
Survey: Solo practices nearly gone

Only 1 percent of the jobs given to Texas-based Merritt Hawkins over the past year were for solo practitioners, the physician recruiting firm reported this month. That’s down from 22 percent of all searches in 2004.

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Suburban hospitals charm patients

A little extra Medicare money will flow to suburban hospitals in the Indianapolis area, based on recent patient satisfaction scores. But hospitals in the core of Indianapolis—and hospitals that do significant amounts of teaching medical students—may take a hit.

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Ballard moves to shut down The Project School

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard announced Tuesday evening that he intends to revoke the charter that gives The Project School the authority to operate. Ballard cited poor test scores and “recently discovered financial problems.”

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Reform may hit hospitals harder

The immediate reaction on Wall Street to last month’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding President Obama’s health care law was to buy hospital stocks and dump health insurance stocks. But at least one analyst expects the long-term outcome to be the exact opposite.

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Lilly gets boost in Alzheimer’s race

Eli Lilly and Co. got a boost of confidence last week that its project to launch the first effective Alzheimer’s treatment is on the right track—though it still faces hugely long odds.

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Local providers join Medicare ACO program

Indiana University Health, as well as a partnership of Franciscan Alliance and American Health Network, have formed accountable care organizations that won the blessing of the federal Medicare Shared Savings program.

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The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act cleared a big cloud of uncertainty for employers, but with just 18 months before the most significant provisions of the law kick in, many questions remain. Three benefits consultants from Indianapolis-based Gregory & Appel Insurance—Bob Miller, Mike Miles and Karl Ahlrichs—sat down to discuss what the future looks like for employer health benefits.

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Electronic health records bring $135M to Indiana

The federal stimulus program to speed “meaningful use” of electronic medical records is starting to generate significant cash for Indiana health care providers: More than $135 million has flowed to more than 2,000 Hoosier hospitals and doctors since January 2011.

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Life sciences hold up in recession

A new report shows Indiana’s life sciences companies performed better than their peers around the country—and far better than the rest of Indiana’s private sector—during the early phases of the economic downturn.

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Daniels expected to find new cash for Purdue as president

Colleagues of Gov. Mitch Daniels say Hoosiers should expect him to bring a familiar approach to his upcoming role at Purdue University: Do more with less, reward performance, find creative ways to tap new pools of money, and use warm folksy charm.

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