
New doc lifts Community breast biz

Community Health Network wooed Dr. Robert J. Goulet Jr. to join its breast-surgery team from the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center. The move fits nicely with Community’s focus on breast-care services and the economics of health care.

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Latest iPhone app: Baby EKG

Mobile medicine has arrived. Decatur County Memorial Hospital in Greensburg became the first hospital in Indiana to start using AirStrip OB, a patient-monitoring system that sends things like the heartbeat waves of patients directly to physicians’ iPhones, BlackBerrys or other mobile devices.

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Bruce Frank, a former Roche Diagnostics manager, McKinsey consultant and pro basketball player, talks about changes in the medical device and life sciences industries.

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Eli Lilly puts faith in drug pipeline

Eli Lilly and Co. started to tip over its massive “patent cliff” this year, yet announced little publicly that will significantly soften its inevitable sales plunge.

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Clarian, Morgan clear way for merger

The merger of Morgan Hospital & Medical Center into Clarian Health got the go-ahead from all parties in the past week, opening the way for Morgan to bring on new doctors to its facilities.

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Zimmer looks to China to reignite growth

Zimmer Holdings Inc. completed an acquisition in China on Tuesday, but recession hangovers in the United States and Europe are trumping all other factors and keeping the company’s growth bottled up for now.

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Clarian off to slow start in insurance

Clarian Health got few takers in its first year offering a health care benefits program to large employers, but the Indianapolis-based hospital system is undeterred in growing its budding insurance services business.

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Health insurance investors unfazed by court ruling

This week’s ruling by a federal judge could force Congress to rework the new health law to avoid a health insurance market collapse. But the decision had little to no effect on investor sentiment toward WellPoint Inc. and its peers.

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IU surgeon Pescovitz dies in accident

Dr. Mark Pescovitz, a surgeon at the Indiana University School of Medicine, died Sunday in a car accident outside Ann Arbor, Mich., after visiting his wife, Dr. Ora Hirsch Pescovitz.

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