

James Jordan's firm, Strategic Data Management, has developed a Web-based portal to help diabetics chart
and manage their blood sugar levels. The firm is now pitching its portal for a fee to doctors, health plans, device manufacturers,
drug firms and others.

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Doctors fighting insurers with data

The Indianapolis Medical Society hopes an online database that compares one doctor's reimbursement rates against market
averages helps its members negotiate with health plans.

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Chances of health reform passage soar

By pounding health insurers such as WellPoint Inc., President Obama has greatly boosted his chances of success in the eyes
of Wall Street. But to make his health reform bill reality, he might need to answer the less-than-reassuring news coming from

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Job searches dragging on a year later

Out of six professionals IBJ profiled a year ago, three have found jobs, although all have accepted lower pay than
they were getting before. One could not be reached, but she still lists herself as looking for work on Two tried
to start their own businesses, with one giving up and one, Bruce Flanagan, still trying.

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To attack costs, Lilly accelerates R&D

With President Barack Obama looking to squeeze a bit more revenue out of the pharmaceutical industry, the stakes just keep
getting higher for Eli Lilly and Co.’s efforts to develop drugs faster and cheaper.

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Lilly asks shareholders to lower takeover barrier

Eli Lilly and Co. directors have recommended that shareholders toss out the
drugmaker's most potent protection against unwanted takeovers: an 80-percent supermajority vote threshold for any shareholder
mutiny to succeed.

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