
Education chief warns state against charter caps-WEB ONLY

A plan by Indiana House Democrats to cap funding for charter schools was criticized yesterday by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.Duncan said states that place limits on charter schools will jeopardize their chance to get an expected $100 million from a pot of money set aside for public school reforms under the stimulus bill […]

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ISTA reverses course on disability payments-WEB ONLY

The Indiana State Teachers Association and its parent organization, the National Education Association, will pay the long-term disability costs of current beneficiaries despite a previous announcement to the contrary. About 650 disabled Indiana teachers are receiving monthly benefit payments. The benefits for teachers who bought long-term disability coverage from the ISTA Insurance Trust had been […]

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Same names, different schools-WEB ONLY

It could get expensive. Ohio-based Franklin University’s decision to open a campus in Castleton sets up the potential for significant name confusion with Franklin College, the liberal arts school 30 minutes south of Indianapolis. One marketing expert predicts both schools will be forced to pump up their advertising budgets to make sure their audiences understand […]

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Back to school-WEB ONLY

Mary Hansen considered going into teaching when she was in college. Now, two decades later-with retirement savings shrunk and kids’ college on the horizon-the Carmel resident is doing it. Michelle Skinner wanted to go to graduate school after earning her degree at Butler University. But she put that off to do something “worthwhile”-teach high school […]

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Rethinking the 401(k)-WEB ONLY

Last fall’s Wall Street meltdown, which erased half the value of some 401(k) retirement plans, has whipped up some of the fiercest crosswinds the plans have faced in their three decades of existence. Blowing from one direction, cash-strapped employers are trying to cut back on retirement plan contributions. Others are looking to shut down their […]

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Mayor approves new charter schools-WEB ONLY

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard approved two new charter schools this morning, bucking calls by some to halt expansion of the taxpayer-funded schools. The new schools are the Indiana Aerospace Junior-Senior High School and the Paramount School of Excellence. In addition, Ballard assumed oversight of the Irvington Community School, an Indianapolis charter school that had previously […]

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Lilly could quietly bulk up on bone drugs-WEB ONLY

It may not have the flash and pizazz of psychiatric, cancer and heart drugs, but expect Eli Lilly and Co.’s osteoporosis franchise to steadily build itself to blockbuster status over the next decade. That’s the upshot of a June 1 report from Massachusetts-based Decision Resources Inc.. which predicts that Lilly’s drug Forteo and a new […]

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Report: Indiana health care too specialized-WEB ONLY

Hoosiers see too many specialty physicians and are driving up health care costs as they do, according to a recent study by the Indiana University Center for Health Policy. Hoosier specialists are paid 84-percent more than primary-care doctors, and that gap has been widening rapidly since the mid-1990s. In addition, Indiana has nearly twice as […]

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ISTA trust lacked expertise-WEB ONLY

The people overseeing the ISTA Insurance Trust had no background in investments or insurance, likely leaving them ill-equipped to grasp the ever-larger amounts of complicated investments the trust was buying. The Indiana State Teachers Association, the state’s union of public school teachers, tapped educators for all the positions on the trust’s board-seven current or former […]

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WellPoint director Bayh conflicted, activists say-WEB ONLY

WellPoint Inc. CEO Angela Braly faced pointed criticism of her company and of WellPoint Director Susan Bayh from a handful of shareholders at the health insurer’s annual meeting this morning. Two shareholders used a question-and-answer session to charge Bayh with a conflict of interest because her husband, Sen. Evan Bayh, will have a vote on […]

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Health insurers failing to attract young people-WEB ONLY

Two-thirds of college-age Americans rank health insurance as important as salary in looking at jobs. Yet just as many have made no plans to obtain health insurance once they graduate from school this month. That’s a problem for companies like Indianapolis-based Golden Rule Insurance Co., which commissioned the survey that produced those conclusions. It’s also […]

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Lilly, Medtronic form diabetes partnership-WEB ONLY

Indianapolis pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Co. has formed a diabetes marketing and education partnership with the Minnesota-based device maker Medtronic Inc., the two companies announced today. Lilly and Medtronic plan to use their marketing and sales teams to improve educational materials about Type 1 diabetes available to patients and physicians. Type 1 diabetes occurs […]

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Lilly, Medtronic form diabetes partnership-WEB ONLY

Indianapolis pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Co. has formed a diabetes marketing and education partnership with the Minnesota-based device maker Medtronic Inc., the two companies announced today. Lilly and Medtronic plan to use their marketing and sales teams to improve educational materials about Type 1 diabetes available to patients and physicians. Type 1 diabetes occurs […]

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Butler drive raises $153 million, topping goal-WEB ONLY

Butler University will have $153 million in hand by May 31 when it wraps up its latest fund-raising campaign, the Indianapolis institution announced. That total will easily exceed Butler’s original goal of $125 million when it started the campaign five years ago. The campaign, dubbed ButlerRising, drew pledges from nearly 20,000 donors. Two of the […]

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Clarian planning bypass?-WEB ONLY

Clarian Health and the Indiana University School of Medicine want to turn 1,500 or more doctors into employees under a new group called the Indiana Clinic. Bringing so many physicians together from all specialties could allow them to improve quality, reduce costs and perhaps boost Clarian’s central Indiana market share. It also is likely to […]

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