Health care, life sciences, utilities and philanthropy reporter

Before joining IBJ in 2016, Russell was a newspaper reporter for 30+ years in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania at papers as small as a monthly trade journal and as large as the Chicago Tribune. Most of his career has been as a business reporter, focusing on large companies. He lives on the Northeast side of Indianapolis and enjoys riding his bike, growing wildflower gardens, playing chess and reading.

Quick facts:

Family: Wife, Colleen; two grown sons; three cats

Favorite podcast: “War on Cars”

First job: Delivering the Cleveland Press to 25 houses on his block after school at age 10. “I’ve been a news man ever since,” he said.


More big donors want to be anonymous

Some public interest groups say the rising tide of anonymous gifts to not-for-profits can lead to potential fraud or dark-money abuses, so the groups have pushed to require institutions to list their big givers.

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Gold and black brings in plenty of green

Altogether, not-for-profit institutions in Indiana landed 54 gifts of $1 million or more in 2022, for a total of $241 million, or nearly 8% higher than a year ago. Purdue University received five of the top 10 donations.

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