
Indiana finance chief jumps to private sector

Kendra York, who led Indiana through public-private partnerships to fund major road and bridge projects, has stepped down as the state's public finance director and joined engineering contractor American Structurepoint.

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Senators weigh in on utility territory disputes

The Senate Utilities Committee on Thursday passed a bill that shifts leverage to Indiana’s largest utilities and electric cooperatives in their struggle to keep municipal-owned utilities from taking valuable territory.

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Transit advocates push to increase state funding

A fund for public transportation could be debated before the House Ways and Means Committee after Rep. Randy Truitt filed a bill that would provide about $20 million more per year than Gov. Mike Pence proposed.

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Meijer tax ruling may reverberate statewide

The Indiana Board of Tax Review ruled in December that the East 96th Street Meijer store—one of the most successful in the state—should have been assessed in 2012 at the equivalent of $30 per square foot, not the $83 per square foot assigned by Marion County.

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Electric utilities battle over annexing territories

Municipal-owned utilities are trying to fend off an attack on a state law that allows them to expand their territories through annexation. Rural electric cooperatives and investor-owned utilities say they’re losing big customers.

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