
SKARBECK: Looking at stocks, 10 years at a time

During this century’s first decade, investors had to cope with the uncertainties surrounding 9/11; huge corporate failures
including Enron, Worldcom, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Lehman Brothers; and volatility wrought by both the tech and housing

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SKARBECK: What we need is a tax on stock transactions

The word “tax” tends to immediately raise the blood pressure of most Americans. And while the purpose of most
taxes is to raise revenue for the assessing government body, taxes can also be targeted toward changing individual and corporate

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SKARBECK: Even more investigations increase market cynicism

As if Wall Street needs another black eye, an expanding probe into insider trading threatens to elevate public cynicism
over whether there’s a level playing field in public markets and raise skepticism about the ability of regulators to
police them.

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SKARBECK: Tax-haven crackdown starts getting serious

If you never got around to opening that Swiss bank account, you might want to wait a bit longer—at least until after
Sept. 23. That is the date the IRS has set for any tax-evading American to come forward regarding 52,000 accounts held at
Swiss banking giant UBS under a Voluntary Disclosure program.

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INVESTING: High-frequency trading comes under scrutiny

A developing case of technology theft has shed light on the proprietary systems Goldman Sachs and other investment firms
use to make millions of dollars. A 39-year-old former employee at Goldman has been accused of stealing computer
code used in the company’s high-frequency trading system.

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SKARBECK: More reforms sought for target-date funds

Target-date mutual funds, a popular investment vehicle in 401(k) plans and college savings plans, have recently come under
scrutiny by Congress and regulators. Investors are in an uproar over the recent poor performance of funds nearing their target

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Top investment minds weigh in on erratic market

In recent weeks, two of the planet’s most respected investment minds have weighed in with their thoughts on the state of the world’s financial affairs—Bill Gross at PIMCO in southern California and Jeremy Grantham of GMO LLC in Boston. It is always worthwhile to examine their thoughts and the logic behind them. As investor hopes […]

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Data can be deceiving when the economy slows

Investors today are dealing with a variety of calculation problems when attempting to determine if stocks
are attractive values. Some of the more common ratios and statistical measures that investors regularly employ to value businesses
become skewed in an economic downturn.

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