
You-review-it Monday

What did you see, hear or do on the arts and entertainment front this weekend … besides watch basketball?

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LOU’S VIEWS: The closing of Borders … read it and weep

The coffee smell dissipates. The signs drop from 25%-50% off to 40%-60% off. Shelves of books migrate from soon-to-be-closed-off sections to empty shelf space elsewhere, causing category labels to lose their meaning. Customers linger, wondering if a novel unworthy of their $24 might be worthy of $12. This is how it ends for Indianapolis’ only downtown full-service bookshop.

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LOU’S VIEWS: Indy Opera’s ‘Carmen’ shows upside of downsizing

When word went out that one of the three Indianapolis Opera presentations this season would be a production of “Carmen,” sans chorus, sans full orchestra, sans biggie-size sets, and sans Clowes Hall stage, it was perfectly understandable that some patrons may have lowered their expectations.

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