2015 WOMAN OF INFLUENCE: Ann Updegraff Spleth
Ann Updegraff Spleth, chief operating officer of the Kiwanis International Foundation, has helped the organization bolster its financial strength while continuing to pursue an ambitious agenda.
Ann Updegraff Spleth, chief operating officer of the Kiwanis International Foundation, has helped the organization bolster its financial strength while continuing to pursue an ambitious agenda.
Jenelle Smagala decided when she started the architectural firm Synthesis Inc. that she was going collaborate with engineers, contractors and others involved in the construction process, not just treat them as vendors.
Marya Rose, chief administrative officer of Cummins Inc., serves as the public face of the company as it champions issues of equality. She was an outspoken critic of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, for instance, and a proposed amendment to the Indiana Constitution banning same-sex marriage.
Roberta Ressler, Dow AgroSciences' R&D director for product development, leads a team with a fairly immodest goal: to better feed the world.
Sonja McClelland has been with Hurco Companies Inc. 19 years, but she says she’s still learning.
Dee Metaj, the Indiana University Foundation's vice president for development for the Indianapolis campus, said a big part of successful fundraising is doing thorough research before making the ask.
Deborah Lawrence, Marian University's general counsel and vice president for administration, spends much of her time at community meetings, trying to better understand the needs of the neighborhood and the city.
As president of Milhaus Management, the property management arm of fast-growing apartment developer Milhaus, Alexandra Jackiw focuses on making the developments as appealing to residents as possible.
Linda Hicks, the vice president of global technology at Vertellus Specialties, has worked to connect the company with research universities and to develop relationships with contract research organizations in India and China to increase the pipeline of new products.
Anne Hathaway got her start working for former Vice President Dan Quayle in the White House and now, through Hathaway Strategies, she—and her staff—offer counsel to Republicans candidates across Indiana and the nation.
State Rep. Christina Hale, D-Indianapolis, is using her political clout to boost conversations about sexual assault, human trafficking and the protection of young men and women.
Irena Goloschokin, vice president of strategy and products at T2 Systems, leads a team that oversaw the development and launch of the first cloud-based system in the parking management industry and is a key player in the mergers and acquisitions that have helped the company grow.
Nadine Givens, senior vice president and director of wealth management at PNC Financial Services, has been a trailblazer for women in banking and now oversees a team of 40, helping protect and grow assets for PNC’s clients.
Under Denise Dank’s leadership as the chief human resources officer, Duke Realty Corp. has instituted in-house mentoring and leadership training programs and now offers assistance to first-time home buyers and adoptive parents, creates scholarships, and organizes and promotes volunteer efforts, including paid community days.
MaryEllen Kiley Bishop is a partner at Cohen Garelick & Glazier but her sphere of influence expands to philanthropic work as well. She serves on the Indiana University Board of trustees and on the boards of the IU Foundation and the Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council.
Melody Birmingham-Byrd, president of Duke Energy Indiana, said her role requires an equal focus on the present and future. “We can’t always determine tomorrow’s weather,” she said. “But we do have to plan for the future.”
Jessica Barth, vice president of legal affairs at Eskenazi Health, helped oversee contracts for construction of the new hospital and launched the Wishard Medical-Legal Partnership, the first program of its kind in Indiana.
Scenario Adebesin, senior vice president for community and economic development at Fifth Third Bank, said she “stumbled into banking” but today she manages the company’s community reinvestment initiatives and develops community partnerships. She also chairs Fifth Third’s Diversity and Inclusion Council for the region.
Conversation can be theater’s greatest special effect—provided we care about the people doing the talking.
Leading this week’s list are two bookish event and a dance legend bringing her troupe back to her home state.