Pete Seat: Let’s examine what we’re trying to accomplish
Do we need to upend the entire tradition because of one bad night?
Do we need to upend the entire tradition because of one bad night?
The real debate is … whether we want to matter every cycle or every so often.
We won’t always agree. How boring would that be? But we can, and should, at the very least listen.
If Democrats have to keep going back to Bayh to give them a shot at winning elections, how will they ever grow a respectable party in this state?
It’s the inability to fully grasp and respect human emotion that puts conservatives, and their allied partisans the Republicans, in a bind.
The need to campaign differently, the public’s desire for authenticity and the evolving definition of presidential—again, how did I not see Trump coming?
As the only son of two immigrant parents from a relatively small town in northwestern Indiana, I never thought my life’s journey would bring a president within eyesight. And, yet, there he was, the 43rd president of the United States.