City-County Council committee approves $5.3M bond for library upgrades
The money would be directed toward needs at the West Perry, Pike and Nora branches, plus the library’s Center for Black Literature and Culture digital project.
The money would be directed toward needs at the West Perry, Pike and Nora branches, plus the library’s Center for Black Literature and Culture digital project.
The center will move operations from a building it has operated in for several years at 1331 E. Washington St.
The lab was announced several months ago as a project by the Indianapolis eLearning Fund, which was formed to support teachers in Indianapolis as they transitioned to eLearning. The fund contributed $1.6 million to developing the lab, which is now up and running.
Roughly $162 million has been committed so far to minority-owned businesses helping to build the city’s $575 million criminal justice center complex in the Twin Aire neighborhood.
A proposal to issue economic development tax increment revenue bonds for Kite is slated to be voted on by the City-County Council’s Metropolitan and Economic Development Committee on Monday.
Two rental assistance programs launched to help state and local residents during the pandemic are already nearing their capacity, just three days after applications opened.
The program’s aim is to provide funding to not-for-profit organizations with new or existing programs that show a potential to reduce crime or provide resources to reduce crime in Marion County.
The mural will be painted between the Madame Walker Legacy Theater and the Indianapolis Urban League in the Indiana Avenue Cultural District, which was historically a Black business, entertainment and population center.
Roughly 22 acres on the northern half of the 104-acre site would be reserved for a multifamily project by Sheehan Development Co. Inc. that would include 320 apartments.
The Indianapolis City-County Council on Monday passed a resolution to paint a message on Indiana Avenue condemning racism and inequality. It also proposed the creation of the Indianapolis Commission on African American Males.
The Indiana Gaming Commission on Friday approved Eldorado Resorts Inc.’s acquisition of Caesars Entertainment Corp.’s four Indiana casino properties, with major conditions.
Julie Goodman discusses the first steps taken by the Arts Council of Indianapolis as it became clear COVID-19 could have a devastating impact on its members.
It could be months, or longer, before downtown bustles again with the office workers who help restaurants and other retailers thrive. And the wait might be a death knell for some of those retailers.
The program is open to Hoosiers in every county except Marion, where a separate rental assistance program also opens Monday.
The state has begun coordinating with Indiana schools to provide them with PPE supplies for K-12 students and educators, including 3 million reusable face masks.
Residents whose income has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to receive up to three months of assistance, which will be paid directly to their landlord.
Residents who refuse to comply may be subject to a fine up to $1,000, but police won’t be enforcing the mandate. And health officials in charge of enforcement will take an education-first approach.
Businesses and the organizations that represent them fear a wave of coronavirus-related lawsuits as employees return to work and customers return to stores, restaurants and other public places.
By order of Mayor Joe Hogsett and the Marion County Public Health Department, face coverings will be required indoors where the public gathers, such as in office buildings and retail stores. They’ll also be required outdoors when it’s not possible to socially distance.
Called “You’ve Earned It,” the campaign seeks to boost Indianapolis’ tourism industry, which has been deeply hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdowns.