
Low-profile CIB leader embraces tough financial task

Lathrop Watch VideoAnn
Lathrop's interactions with the Indiana Pacers and Indianapolis Colts aren't what she might have envisioned as a young
college student pursuing a career in sports medicine. Now president of the city's Capital Improvement Board, her relations
with the teams are tied to their financial conditions rather than the health of their players.

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Convention center tours part of larger tourism strategy

Executives of Gen Con, one of the city's largest conventions, visited Indianapolis last week to get their first glance
of the construction of the Indiana Convention Center expansion. Local tourism officials are using such tours to market the
larger space.

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Adesa parent turns profit, beats expectations

KAR Auction Services reported a profit of $5.3 million in the fourth quarter after sustaining a loss in the same period in
2008. The company's CEO attributed the turnaround to several factors, including the completion of an initial public offering.

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