Property tax credit of up to $150 set for homeowners in 2023
The property tax credit of up to $150 to Indianapolis homeowners, a 2023 budget priority for Mayor Joe Hogsett, is now set to appear on spring bills.
The property tax credit of up to $150 to Indianapolis homeowners, a 2023 budget priority for Mayor Joe Hogsett, is now set to appear on spring bills.
Eldridge, vice chair of the Indiana Democratic Party, is now the first Black chair of the Marion County Democratic Party after a landslide victory against three other candidates.
Marion County Clerk Myla Eldridge will be running against Ashley Greene-Hogue, Karla Nowlin and Rosemary Turentine during Tuesday evening’s caucus for the new Marion County Democratic Party chair.
The Monon 32 and the Domino, two projects in the 14.5-acre Monon 30 project, have received approval for their own respective tax increment financing districts and millions of dollars in bonds.
The report released Monday from the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana found a competitive housing market that benefits investors and corporations while causing troubles for lower-income renters, families and renters of color.
A pandemic hiring freeze, an early retirement program, and a nationwide desire for higher wages have left some city departments struggling for workers.
Recent developments, including the prospect of a contested Democratic primary for mayor, could prompt Hogsett to announce his decision sooner rather than later.
Shackleford’s candidacy would set up a potential Democratic primary battle with Mayor Joe Hogsett, who has yet to disclose his future political plans.
The South Meridian Street corridor will receive a multi-use path, upgraded traffic signals for cyclists and cars, improvements to stormwater infrastructure and raised crosswalks.
The Hoosier Environmental Council is now supporting the West Indianapolis Neighborhood Congress in its fight against the wastewater treatment facility the Ben Davis Conservancy District wants to build at 900 S. Tibbs Ave.
Hogsett said Wednesday that Kate Sweeney Bell, who resigned this week, was “unfairly singled out for doing what county chairs have done for 50 years.” But Rep. Robin Shackleford, a leader who pushed for Bell’s resignation, said the criticism was justified.
The Indianapolis Animal Care Services project previously received an $18 million commitment from the city’s Circle City Forward initiative.
Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis, National Action Network of Indiana and the Baptist Ministers Alliance called for the change and questioned why Kate Sweeney Bell’s departure as party chair didn’t come sooner.
Parker, a longtime political consultant before taking over the Department of Public Works, will succeed Taylor Schaffer in the mayor’s office starting Monday.
Only one individual testified in favor of Indianapolis City-County Council Proposal 256, which would require those giving food to 10 or more people in a public place to register with the Office of Public Health and Safety or face a potential fine.
IndyGo is also considering whether to move the western-most segment of the Blue Line off Washington Street and onto Interstate 70, a move that would save money and appease lawmakers who have been critical of adding dedicated bus lanes to Washington Street.
Local business and tech-industry leaders say they see the effort as a chance to increase the pipeline of qualified employees who can work at local companies.
But there’s still a lot of work to do. Building of passenger stations has yet to begin; all progress so far has laid the groundwork for future construction.
Mayor Joe Hogsett is proposing $2 million to launch a clinician-led response team to deal with mental health emergencies, but some are concerned about having mental health professionals respond to emergencies without police in tow.
The funding is part of a $1.6 billion U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration effort supporting cleaner buses. IndyGo was one of just nine agencies nationally chosen to receive more than $30 million from the program.