City announces final round of anti-violence grant recipients
The Elevation Grants program, which was formerly known as the anti-violence grant program, has provided 238 grants totaling about $40 million to 127 not-for-profit recipients since 2021.
The Elevation Grants program, which was formerly known as the anti-violence grant program, has provided 238 grants totaling about $40 million to 127 not-for-profit recipients since 2021.
The City-County Council’s new investigative committee convened for the first time Tuesday evening, with the group hearing an overview of the city’s current sexual harassment reporting process.
Plans call for the removal of two vehicular lanes and the addition of new pedestrian and cyclist space.
The Indianapolis City-County Council on Monday evening voted to approve two tweaked proposals: one that increases long-stagnant countywide elected official pay and the other requiring councilors to fill out more in-depth, publicly available disclosure forms.
The Indianapolis City-County Council plans to vote in the coming weeks to add two women to the board that will oversee the management of a new tax focused on improving downtown’s cleanliness, public safety and homelessness situation.
The city of Indianapolis says it has no plans to change the way it deals with homeless residents, despite a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows cities to move, ticket or arrest people sleeping on the streets.
A bipartisan City-County Council proposal would raise the pay for absentee voter board workers from $11 an hour to $15 an hour and recommend increased per diem for day-of workers.
In a deal announced Wednesday, Indianapolis will receive the former Indiana Women’s Prison site on the east side in exchange for a portion of Sherman Park and property that is home to the Indianapolis Animal Care Services municipal animal shelter.
Nearly a year after opening, though, Indy Fresh Market isn’t profitable; instead it is being propped up by corporate partners Goodwill of Central & Southern Indiana and Cook Medical.
Despite concerns over the Indianapolis mayor’s response to sex harassment allegations against his former chief of staff, Joe Hogsett said he has no plans to resign and believes he reacted appropriately to the allegations at the time they were lodged.
The plan submitted to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources estimates excavation of the site, which could contain hundreds of human remains, won’t be completed until late April 2025.
The committee, which will have the power to subpoena witnesses including members of the Hogsett administration, is made up of five Democrats and two Republicans.
The estate of Jack “J.J.” and Mary Kaye Ott, who met as students at the school, donated the sum.
The legislative body overwhelmingly approved the proposal, which authorizes an investigation by an independent human resources or law firm with no ties to city business, as well as the creation of a council investigative committee.
Beginning next year, the Safe Streets and Roads for All funds will be used to study and redesign six road segments in Indianapolis.
But some city-county councilors are so tired of waiting on the Legislature to act that they are suggesting exploring city-based solutions.
For now, disclosure forms bearing councilor workplaces, board memberships and potential conflicts of interest are only available through a records request to the council office.
An administrator at the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development was fired Wednesday after an internal investigation found “overwhelming evidence” of inappropriate sexual misconduct, according to documents released by the city’s attorneys.
Indianapolis began monitoring 46 grant recipients in March for American Rescue Plan Act spending plans that were behind schedule.
The bridge is part of a state-local partnership to develop a major business park on the west side of the White River, an effort that has been complicated by the planned excavation of human remains from a historic cemetery on the east side.