Marion among counties picked for pre-K pilot program
Five Indiana counties will be part of the state’s preschool pilot program for low-income children, which could be launched in early 2015.
Five Indiana counties will be part of the state’s preschool pilot program for low-income children, which could be launched in early 2015.
Indiana has not solidified contingency plans that would be needed if Congress fails to pass a deal to cover a shortfall in a federal highway fund.
The governor met Wednesday with a company considering Indiana for its U.S. operations, but his office would not identify the firm.
The chairman of the Indiana State Ethics Commission said conflict-of-interest questions could become more difficult if INDOT Chief of Staff Troy Woodruff actually takes a job with RQAW Consulting Engineers & Architects.
The state should index its gas tax to increase with inflation, build a new bypass around Indianapolis, and consider user fees to supplement highway funding, a transportation panel said in its recommendations Wednesday.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, first lady Karen Pence and state officials will travel to the United Kingdom on Saturday for an economic development mission to bring jobs and investment to Indiana.
At least 60 percent of Indiana’s workforce will need post-secondary education skills by 2025 in order to compete for jobs, Indiana Lt. Gov. Sue Ellsperman said Tuesday.
State officials say they will submit a plan Wednesday to expand the Healthy Indiana Plan to more uninsured Hoosiers using federal Medicaid dollars.
The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor and Rep. Cherrish Pryor are both voicing concerns about a potential rate increase proposed by Indianapolis Power & Light that could help fund some of the start-up costs for the BlueIndy electric-car-sharing project.
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday night stopped county clerks from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a move that throws hundreds of unions performed over the past two days into limbo.
Under the agreement signed Thursday, Indiana will receive about $217 million during the next two years, enough to pay for programs that use the dedicated tobacco money.
The Indiana Economic Development Corp. will conduct a study to compare Indiana cities to others across the region that are economically booming, the IEDC announced Wednesday.
A federal judge has overturned the state’s ban on same-sex marriage, leaving open the door for gay couples to marry immediately. By the end of the day, more than 180 same-sex couples had been married in Marion County.
Gov. Mike Pence said Tuesday he wants to review Indiana's tax code to simplify it and promote economic development. His comments came at the Tax Competitiveness and Simplification Conference, which culled general ideas for tax reform from a mix of national and state tax experts.
While gas prices in Indiana have gone down slightly over the past week, they are still expected to remain high through the July 4 holiday, said Michael Green, Manager of Public Relations at the American Automobile Association.
A plan to keep top-performing students home in Indiana after they graduate from college passed the General Assembly unanimously earlier this year, but it could face trouble as lawmakers decide how to fund it.
The grants – funded by the federal government – are awarded to schools that demonstrate a need for the money and plan to use the funds to raise achievement levels.
To get approved, a school must have programming that differs from a regular high school, has flexible scheduling, provides the majority of the instruction in the classroom, and offers dual credit or industry certifications.
Many Hoosiers will be receiving postcards this week requesting updated information as part of a statewide effort to clean up voter-registration information.
Ivy Tech Community College will offer new certificates in entrepreneurship at 31 campuses starting in August.