Bill to drug-test welfare recipients will be back
A proposed law that would require some welfare recipients to undergo drug testing is likely to pass the Indiana House again this year, a key lawmaker said Thursday.
A proposed law that would require some welfare recipients to undergo drug testing is likely to pass the Indiana House again this year, a key lawmaker said Thursday.
The Republican-controlled Indiana House is set to take up legislation that would give a bipartisan commission the duty of drawing district maps.
The proposal from Republican leaders would make small companies exempt from tax on business equipment, and cleave the state’s corporate income tax to the second-lowest in the nation.
Commercial tanning beds may soon be off limits to Hoosiers younger than 16 under a bill approved Wednesday by the Senate Health and Provider Services Committee.
Indiana microbrewers are one step closer to selling their craft beer at local farmers’ markets after a bill passed a Senate committee Wednesday.
House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, presented an agenda focusing on workforce development – which also included a new focus on college internships, increased funding for roads and highways and the repeal of “burdensome regulations.”
Senate Bill 66 creates a state-assisted savings plan for retirement. The bill is opposed by the Association of Indiana Life Insurance Companies.
A hearing about tobacco funding Wednesday in the House Public Health Committee left many legislators still searching for answers.
Snow-covered roads and frigid temperatures nearly kept the state's House and Senate from getting the quorum each chamber needed to launch the 2014 Indiana General Assembly on Tuesday.
Senate Bill 101 would create a crime known as “agricultural mischief” and it’s aimed primarily at stopping secret videography and photography of farming operations.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Sunday closed state government offices Monday, and the General Assembly postponed the start of its 2014 session until Tuesday due to severe weather.
Crouch is the third person to hold the office – which oversees the state’s payroll and financial transactions – in the past six months.
Gov. Mike Pence’s plan to eliminate the tax on business equipment would mean significantly higher taxes for other property owners if the state took no specific action to protect them, according to a new analysis.
More Indiana schools received top grades under a system the Indiana State Board of Education approved Friday after months of political wrangling. Among the F’s was a charter school that received a controversial A rating last year.
The industry maintains nearly 140,000 jobs and contributes $10 billion in revenue to Indiana businesses, according to a new report.
The state's high court ruled unanimously Tuesday that an alteration of the contract the plant's developers signed with the Indiana Finance Authority did not constitute a significant change.
Talking to entrepreneurs at a center for business start-ups, Pence said the state can’t compete with its neighbors for private investment without eliminating the personal property tax on business equipment.
The previous auditor, Dwayne Sawyer, announced his resignation last month – effective Sunday – after just three months on the job.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is scheduling a meeting with U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about the state’s request to use its own health care plan in place of a traditional Medicaid expansion.
State agencies will have to cut their budgets an additional 1.5 percent and state universities will see their state aid clipped by 2 percent as the state looks to make up a $141 million drop in tax collections.