Developer plans new retail center on Michigan Road in Carmel

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5 thoughts on “Developer plans new retail center on Michigan Road in Carmel

  1. Totally agree Greg! I am bewildered by this as well? I guess it is somewhat a result of tax law effectively writing off commercial investment in 7 years? Could local governments request a developer investigate existing properties for redevelopment?
    Gotta have the new, hot & shiny thing!!

  2. John B and Greg M

    The vacant space is vacant for a reason and not suitable for the tenants looking to expand. The vacant properties will be converted and redeveloped when the time is right. Don’t invest in real estate if you don’t understand it’s cycles. Tax law does not right off commercial investment in 7 years. Most of it is depreciated over much longer periods. It is not just 7 years for every dollar invested. The business that are expanding into this development will be great additions to the area and would not come to this area if forced to take the existing vacancies in the corridor. Your residential tax rates would also increase without commercial investment/development. Nobody wants to discuss the positives. Thanks for your comments and general overall negativity. Good stuff.

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