WellPoint brass and rank-and-file

WellPoint unwittingly made an interesting point this morning when it announced it expects to save $24 million
by laying off 600 workers.

Those 600 workers in affect are being valued at about half the $47.5 million in total compensation…

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Thoughts on Schrenker

One of the themes emerging from the developing story about Marcus Schrenker is that he was driven to personal
destruction at least partly by greed.

The Fishers investment manager had a history of living well beyond his means, and…

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Dungy, Bayh and Obama

Evan Bayh is pitching Tony Dungy to Barack Obama as a czar to promote â??responsible fatherhoodâ?? and Obama
likes the idea, Bayh says.

Dungy, who is retiring as head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, has made fatherhood a centerpiece…

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Daniels’ budget axing priorities?

Gov. Mitch Daniels said yesterday he wants to spare schools and public safety from the scalpel as he looks
to prepare an honestly balanced budget during a time of declining tax revenue.

But Democrats accuse the Republican of crimping…

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A remarkable comment

Indiana has never been known as a hotbed of venture capital deals. That recognition has long gone to California
and Massachusetts, and the numbers fall off quickly in other states.

So a statement in this weekendâ??s IBJ was noteworthy…

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Backsliding on environment?

One of the most curious developments underway in state government is the moves by the Department of Environmental
Management to back peddle on its mandate to keep an eye on polluters.

Environmental groups are aghast at IDEMâ??s plan to slap penalties…

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Tough budget choices for state

Gov. Mitch Daniels has ordered a string of budget cuts as the recession hammers tax revenue, and the upcoming
General Assembly promises to generate squabbles over what little money is left to spend.

If you were governor, what would…

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Katz Sapper’s embarrassment

Yesterdayâ??s disclosure by KSM Capital Advisors that its clients might be out $15 million from the alleged
Madoff scandal probably wonâ??t be the last local fallout. At minimum, it has been a stressful and embarrassing
time for a…

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Nearly free money on the way?

The Federal Reserve this week is expected to drop the rate at which banks loan money to each other below
1 percent. That means interest rates on loans for just about everything, from cars to housing, eventually
would fall further.


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Utility of WARN notices

In times like these, what do you think of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, commonly
called the WARN Act or WARN notices?

The federal law was passed in 1988 to give employees 60 daysâ?? notice of an impending layoff,…

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Pondering corruption

Yet another Illinois governor is going down in legal flames, as Rod Blagojevich struggles to extricate himself
from federal accusations that he brazenly tried to peddle Barack Obamaâ??s Senate seat to the highest bidder.

So, weâ??re reminded again that power corrupts….

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Questions about Detroit’s bench

Politicians are about to step in for directors and force sweeping changes on the Detroit car companies, judging
from the direction of talks in Congress.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd yesterday called for the firing of General Motors…

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The (your name here) bat

Purdue University is jumping on a trend toward offering naming rights for newly discovered species.

The university plans to announce Monday that a bat discovered by one of its researchers can be named for
a company, a person â??…

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Gall about the jobs bank

The jobs bank has come to symbolize whatever the general public thinks is wrong with the United Auto Workers
and Detroit car companies.

For many years, the UAW contract has stipulated that laid-off workers be paid nearly their entire compensation.

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The plethora of car dealers

Open a local phone book or punch in a Google search on car dealers, and itâ??s immediately apparent Detroit
companies have many, many more dealers than their foreign competitors.

Chevrolet and Ford, for instance, each have more than a dozen dealers…

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Legal news keeps coming

Law firm mergers keep making news. IBJ Scott Olson reported this morning that Ice Miller is about to join
with Greenebaum Doll & McDonald in Louisville. In May, Sommer Barnard was absorbed by Taft Stettinius

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Hospital end-game: get big

Hardly a month goes by without more news about hospital consolidations and partnerships.

Clarian Health, St. Vincent Health and Community Hospitals â?? all behemoths by Indiana standards, and all with
head offices in Indianapolis â?? are scooping up local institutions in…

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Indiana-made vehicles unsafe?

More than half the cars, vans, pickup trucks and sport-utility vehicles assembled in Indiana failed to make
the Insurance Institute for Highway Safetyâ??s latest list of safest vehicles.

Making the list are the Subaru Legacy and Tribeca, assembled in…

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