You-review-it Monday

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For me, the weekend included a double shot of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Pike High School (as parents know, such shows trump everything else).

That would have brought plenty of pleasure for one week, but there was also a satisfying trip to Lousville for 2 1/2 productions at the Humana Festival of New American Plays. 

Why the half? What was planned as an under-two-hour show expanded during rehearsal and no one let me know. Ah, well. I'm hoping Actors Theatre of Louisville will at least e-mail me the script, so I'll know what happened. The other two productions—which I'll write about soon—were terrific.

Plus, there was a visit with Indianapolis Zoo's latest residents: two gangs of bats and a photogenic warthog.

And a screening of "Sea Rex 3D" at the IMAX, including a look in the projection room. IMAX will be offering free-with-admission behind-the-scenes tours, by the way. Well worth looking into.

And you?

What did you see, hear, read or otherwise experience this weekend?

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