You-review-it Monday: Jason Robert Brown and more

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For me the weekend included a double dose of music by one of my favorite contemporary musical theater composers, Jason Robert Brown ("The Last Five Years," "Songs for a New World"). Brown headlined at the Cabaret at the Columbia Club and I served as the Q to his A in post-show, on-stage discussions Friday and Saturday nights.

Highlights of both evenings included songs familiar to fans of his work (who probably already saw the set list here), but also strong new songs from his in-the-works musicals based on "The Bridges of Madison County" and "Honeymoon in Vegas."

Neither had been on my high-anticipation list before. But hearing Brown's plaintive "Wondering" from the former and the joyfully smarmy "When You Say Vegas" gives clear indication that both shows are in great musical hands. They provided more evidence that no one writing musicals today has as sure a hand as Brown in defining characters through song.

Brown also brought Shoshana Bean, a powerhouse vocalist/actress who nailed not just the notes, but also the heart of his tunes.

Were you there? What did you think of the show?

Having seen many of the Heartland Film Festival movies in prep for my previews (find them here and here), I didn't get out to more this weekend. But It would be great to hear what you thought of what you saw.

Or maybe you caught one of the three Going Solo shows at the IRT?

Or something else.

Your thoughts on your A and/or E weekend?



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