Green light for local IPOs?

If nothing else, you have to admire the patience shown by ExactTarget and Aprimo, two of the area’s hottest tech companies,
as they await better conditions to launch their initial public offerings.

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Chrysler sticks it to Kokomo

Officials in Kokomo and Howard County are in a tough spot. The “new” Chrysler created after its bankruptcy
sale to Fiat contends it‘s no longer on the hook for $12.9 million it owes various local taxing bodies this year and
$12.3 million it will owe next year.

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Neurosis and dying: Now you know

Believe it or not, until Purdue University psychologist Daniel Mroczek tackled the question, no had delved into why people who freak out easily die earlier than mellow folks.

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Grizzled entrepreneur: Pounce now

Dave Becker has made a lot of money on ventures including First Internet Bank and a banking software firm
called re:Member Data Services, so his thoughts about the right time to launch a business are not exactly

When is the…

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United Way turns to the rich

The wealthy in the Indianapolis area arenâ??t carrying their weight in supporting United Way of Central Indiana,
according to an analysis by the not-for-profit    comparing places including Cincinnati, Milwaukee and Columbus,

The Indianapolis chapter has 22 â??principalâ?? donors, defined as…

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How â??bout that state fair!

Thereâ??s nothing quite like a state capital to blunt a crummy economy. Not only are legions of government
workers paid regardless of how the private sector performs, but capitals also have lots of small gold mines
â?? like state fairs.


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Questions about â??clunkersâ??

â??Cash for clunkersâ?? has sent lots of gas-guzzlers to the scrap yard and helped car dealers move the metal.

But as Congress considers adding $2 billion to the initial $1 billion earmarked for the program, both the
political right and left…

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Shifting health benefits

The end of sweeping cuts in employee health benefits and the beginning of another trend is in sight, says
Mike Miles, vice president and senior benefits consultant at Gregory & Appel Insurance.

Employers have slashed benefits so deeply that the cuts…

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