Donald Trump spoke in the Elements Financial Blue Ribbon Pavilion at the state fairgrounds. - Photo by Eric Learned
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump made his first campaign appearance in Indianapolis on April 20 at a rally at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. - Photo by Eric Learned
Thousands of Trump supporters gathered at the Indiana State Fairgrounds to cheer for and try to shake hands with Donald Trump, who is vying for Indiana's delegates in the May 3 primary. - Photo by Eric Learned
Supporters at the April 20 rally said they support Donald Trump because he's a straight talker. - Photo by Eric Learned
Donald Trump (IBJ photo/Eric Learned)
Supporters at the April 20 rally said they support Donald Trump because he's a straight talker. - Photo by Eric Learned
The crowd at the April 20 rally for Donald Trump included voters young and old. - Photo by Eric Learned
The crowd at the April 20 rally for Donald Trump included voters young and old. - Photo by Eric Learned
Donald Trump supporters lined up for hours to get a chance to see the Republican at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. - Photo by Eric Learned
Thousands of Trump supporters gathered at the Indiana State Fairgrounds for the Republican's first rally in Indiana in advance of the state's May 3 primary. - Photo by Eric Learned
Republican Donald Trump appealed to the crowd's frustration about Carrier Corp.'s' decision to move jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico. - Photo by Eric Learned
Trump's lines about Carrier's decision to move jobs to Mexico drew big applause from the audience in Indianapolis, as they have in other cities as well. - Photo by Eric Learned
Donald Trump spoke in the Elements Financial Blue Ribbon Pavilion at the state fairgrounds. - Photo by Eric Learned
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump made his first campaign appearance in Indianapolis on April 20 at a rally at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. - Photo by Eric Learned