APRIL 23-29, 2012
This week, read about a law change that is opening the door for food entrepreneurs and find out why the owner of a downtown building is pointing a finger at IPL. In Focus, see how corporate gift policies have changed the business world. And in A&E, etc., columnist Bill Benner makes a case for NBA coach and exec of the year.
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Milhaus buys 55 acres on Keystone to build 300 apartments
One of the most conspicuous local remnants of the condo crash—an unfinished $150 million South Carolina-themed community near Keystone at the Crossing—could finally be completed, as apartments.
Read MoreStartup wants to make pouring beer from the top passe
Josh Springer has moved to Indianapolis his company that designs and sells draft beer dispensers that fill specially designed cups from the bottom up, speeding the process and cutting down on foam.
Angel Learning’s founder thinking big again
IT professor Ali Jafari, who netted Indiana University $23 million on its $130,000 investment in his Angel Learning when it sold three years ago, recently launched CourseNetworking, which allows learners across the globe to connect and chat around shared interests and class subjects.
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Downtown building owner faults IPL for outages
The owner of Market Square Center is complaining to state utility regulators that Indianapolis Power & Light has failed to provide reliable service to the office building, better known as the Gold Building, at 151 N. Delaware St.
Read MoreLaw change allows entrepreneurs to market homemade food
Many Indiana home-based food businesses owe their existence to a law enacted in 2009 that allows them to sell certain types of foods at farmers’ markets and their own roadside stands with minimal state oversight.
Read MoreIPS reform advocates seek school board shakeup
Some proponents of the Mind Trust plan to restructure Indianapolis Public Schools are looking to advance its key principles the old-fashioned way: by electing pro-reform members to the IPS board.
Read MoreJudge slaps down attorneys behind ITT fraud lawsuit
Judge Tanya Walton Pratt late last month granted ITT’s motion for attorney’s fees and sanctions against Mississippi attorney Timothy Matusheski, as well as two law firms that worked with him on the case—Motley Rice LLC in Los Angeles and Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP in Indianapolis.
Read MoreWellPoint enrolls IBM supercomputer at IU medical school
IBM’s supercomputer Watson is already a “Jeopardy!” champion. Now, three doctors in Indianapolis are trying to teach it how to treat cancer.
Read MoreFocusBack to Top
Are corporate gift policies inhospitable?
Sober times have made no-no’s of many of the perks that once greased business relationships.
Read MoreIndy not ready for another big hotel, experts say
Speculation is deemed premature despite rising occupancy rates.
Read MoreAustin, Indianapolis comparable across range of tourism benchmarks
Many Austin attractions are related to its music scene and its status as a state capital and the home of the University of Texas.
Read MoreDORA: Technology can divide customers, businesses
Speed and impatience short-circuiting customer service.
Read MoreGRAVE: Technology is driving snap impressions
Consumers are researching online before walking in the door.
Read MoreOpinionBack to Top
EDITORIAL: White’s plan for IPS lacks vision, innovation
Indianapolis Public Schools chief Eugene White projected a defiant tilt toward the status quo.
Read MoreMORRIS: Fair is fair … or is it?
I always want to make sure I paid my fair share. I can’t stress this point enough. I don’t want to be a slacker.
Read MoreKENNEDY: Trust continues to dwindle
We can’t rebuild social trust by wishing it back. We need a national “house cleaning” to ensure that our institutions are trustworthy, democratic and ethical.
Read MoreCHOCOLA: Why it’s time for Lugar to come home
I’m thankful to say there are few Republicans left who still support earmarks. Regrettably, one of the remaining few is 35-year Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar.
Read MoreHICKS: Spending, debt influence long-run growth
But it is only during the depths of this type of recession (perhaps two in a lifetime) that the disagreement among economists is so sharp.
Read MoreSKARBECK: Investors, boards at odds over executive pay, power
Perhaps now we will see more shareholders oppose excessive pay, putting more pressure on corporate boards to come up with reasonable compensation plans.
Read MoreALTOM: Tablet computers, business don’t always mix
I think a tablet is great if your business involves accessing or sharing information. A tablet isn’t such a great deal if you have to produce content.
Read MoreIn BriefBack to Top
Motley Fool puts Angie’s List IPO on its ‘toxic’ list
Investor site pans companies whose stock advanced in spite of years of losses.
Read MoreCastleton Square will get new stores catering to youth
Forever 21 is more than tripling its square footage at the north-side mall by taking the former Borders bookstore space.
Read MoreNFP OF NOTE: Horizon House
Horizon House provides direct support to persons who are homeless.
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