Indianapolis Business Journal

AUGUST 15-21, 2016

Attorneys for the IRS have gotten their hands on an email that appears to buttress their case that Herb Simon received a sweetheart deal when he acquired his brother’s share in the Indiana Pacers. Greg Andrews has more on the massive implications of the email, plus other details of the family deliberations sussed out by the agency. Also this week, Hayleigh Colombo analyzes Mike Pence’s stump speeches about the Indiana economy. And Lou Harry features the best games from Gen Con.

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FOCUS: More kids take vocational classes but challenges remain

In the school year that ended in May, nearly 175,000 students were enrolled in more than 235,000 career and technical classes. That’s an 11 percent increase since the 2012-2013 school year, when Gov. Mike Pence challenged schools to serve students going to work as well as students going to college.

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KENNEDY: Questions for a new candidate

ERIC Holcomb’s decision to tie himself firmly to Pence’s record—a record many of us thought would elect John Gregg in November—raises a number of interesting questions.

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LETTER: Marian University finances are strong

We remain grateful to Michael Evans. Without the nearly $10 million he has already donated to Marian University, we would not have been able to open the state’s first new medical school in more than a century

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Board yanks charter for ITT-sponsored school

The Early Career Academy was designed so that students also could earn associate degrees from ITT Tech at no cost, but the college has faced scrutiny for providing credits that are not accepted by major universities in the state.

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