MARCH 24-30, 2014
Jim Irsay's arrest and revelations about his health have expedited questions about succession planning for the Indianapolis Colts. IBJ's Anthony Schoettle explores the financial implications of keeping the team in the family. Andrea Davis takes the long view of Westfield's massive investment in Grand Park. And in A&E, sports columnist Mike Lopresti gets the inside scoop on the Milan Miracle on its 60th anniversary from Bobby Plump and Ray Craft, who recreate the winning shot on IBJ video.
Front PageBack to Top
Irsay arrest spurs talk of Colts succession plan
Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay gave a clear signal in 2012 about his long-term succession plan by naming his three daughters vice chairwomen and co-owners. His March 16 arrest might hasten the launch of that plan, or at the very least give Colts fans a glimpse of what it will look like.
Read MoreBold developer stirs up nursing-home business
Zeke Turner, the 36-year-old CEO of Mainstreet Property Group LLC—who frequently sports a boyish grin and a bold-colored dress shirt, but rarely dons a tie—said he’s “just getting started” in transforming the staid nursing home industry.
Read MoreAs lease expiration nears, Indians continue years of investment in Victory Field
For almost 18 years, the Indianapolis Indians have poured tens of millions of dollars into Victory Field while the city has spent hardly a dime.
Read MoreTop StoriesBack to Top
Westfield hopes to make money on Grand Park’s ancillary development
As competition kicks off at Westfield’s sprawling Grand Park Sports Campus, city leaders are working to recruit corporate partners willing to support their field of dreams.
Read MoreRevitalization taking root along East Washington Street
A collaboration of not-for-profit community development corporations, or CDCs, has released a plan targeting four sections of the street, from Interstate 65 to Sherman Drive, that could be transformed in the next five to seven years.
Read MoreFresh idea: Specialty grocers finally eyeing south side
The south side is beginning to receive at least some attention from grocery players, including specialty ones that are much more prevalent to the north.
Read More‘Local’ firm played role in alleged pump-and-dump scheme
An investor-relations firm founded by an Indianapolis native allegedly helped insiders of a biotech firm to hype its stock on financial sites, then sell their own shares on the bump.
Read MoreLegislative recap: ‘Short’ session a busy one after all
The latest Indiana General Assembly, which wrapped up a “short” session March 14, tackled a rather lengthy list of bills. We look at how some notable proposals fared.
Read MoreFocusBack to Top
Purdue, Indiana universities churning out more patents, startups
Unbelievable as it would have sounded even a few years ago, Purdue and IU now both produce more startup companies annually than most of the schools at the heart of the famed entrepreneurial hubs in Colorado, Utah and North Carolina.
Read MoreIndiana college towns lag in snaring startup activity
Bloomington, Lafayette metro areas are not capitalizing fully on tech transfer from their universities.
Read MoreState tech report highlights strong demand for computer skills
Computer-related employment in Indiana grew six times faster than state's overall job market in the five years after the recession hit, a new report from TechPoint says.
OpinionBack to Top
FEIGENBAUM: Big agenda awaits 2015 General Assembly
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The fact that snow stopped falling, temperatures started climbing, and tulips tentatively inched up from the frozen Hoosier tundra just as lawmakers left town actually has no direct connection to the end of the 2014 legislative session.
Read MoreEDITORIAL: Legislative session created foothold for transit
Years of foot-dragging by Indiana legislators has put the Indianapolis region way behind its peers in developing an effective mass transit system. And the transit funding bill that lawmakers finally approved this year contains some maddening conditions. But make no mistake, passage of the bill is a major milestone in a long, difficult fight.
Read MoreMORRIS: Jim Irsay deserves our support
I don’t know Jim Irsay personally, but I feel like I know him. I’d like to know him better. I’ve been thinking a lot about Jim and his situation the last few days. I keep wondering if there’s something I can do to help, and for now this column is my best effort in that regard.
Read MoreMURTLOW: Business rallied for kids at Statehouse
Education. Work-force development. Quality child care. The war on poverty. Crime. Economics. These are all familiar words and phrases used readily by policymakers, business leaders and child advocates. But rarely have the concepts been more tightly intertwined into good state policy than they were during this session of the General Assembly.
Read MoreKENNEDY: My very own litmus test for lawmakers
I’ve been casting about for a shortcut, a vote on an issue that will give me an insight into individual lawmakers. Is he/she irresponsible? Despicable? Crazy?
Read MoreRethink agriculture
I appreciate the recognition that there are alternatives to industrialized agriculture [March 17 editorial], but I encourage IBJ not to fall into the trap of “feeding the world.
Read MoreLocals focus on real jobs
As a site consultant for over eight years, I worked for those “footloose businesses that could locate anywhere” Michael Hicks talks about in his [March 17] column “Focus on real job creation.” We helped these companies choose the best states and communities for their expansion projects.
Read MoreMiller failed Brownsburg
I am writing to express my disappointment with state Sen. Pete Miller’s sponsorship and shepherding of Senate Bill 118 through the legislative process. The bill guts the tax increment finance district Brownsburg relies heavily on to fund current and future infrastructure.
Read MoreIrsay’s behavior is personal
I agree that one should hold owners, co-founders and CEOs to higher standards, but Jim Irsay’s driving while intoxicated charge is personal, not business, meaning the Colts should not be penalized by the NFL one iota.
Read MoreIn BriefBack to Top
State regulators scold Citizens, approve smaller water rate hike
Citizens Energy Group has won state approval to raise water rates for Indianapolis customers, but not before being taken to task for excessive executive compensation.
Read MoreKirr Marbach fund wins top Lipper recognition
Columbus, Ind.-based Kirr Marbach & Co. LLC is furthering its reputation for smart stock picking among the nation’s investment advisers.
Read MoreCity reports more revenue from parking meter operations
Indianapolis received more than $3 million in revenue from parking meters in 2013, its highest total yet since turning over meter operations to ParkIndy in late 2010.
Read MoreCity to consider $7.7M bond issue to assist Broad Ripple project
Browning Investments Inc. says that it is seeking $5.7 million from the bond issue to help finance Canal Pointe, its controversial $30 million apartments-and-retail project.
Read MoreTrustee takes over Deca Financial Services
Fishers-based bill-collection firm Deca Financial Services LLC missed a March 17 deadline to come up with more than $11 million to avoid involuntary Chapter 11 reorganization sought by its creditors.
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