OCTOBER 12-18, 2015
Salesforce.com appears to have scrapped plans to build its own downtown headquarters building and instead is seeking a huge block of space in an office tower to satisfy its aggressive growth plans. Scott Olson and Jared Council have the story. Also in this week’s issue, Anthony Schoettle looks at the future of daily fantasy sports in Indiana now that legislators are examining how closely the pastime fits the definition of gambling. And in Focus, Chris O’Malley catches up with commercial group in historic Irvington.
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Salesforce expanding downtown, seeking big block of space
Salesforce.com appears to have scrapped plans to build its own downtown headquarters building and instead is seeking a huge block of space in an office tower to satisfy its aggressive growth plans.
Read MoreIndy unit key part of multi-pronged Salesforce strategy
Salesforce.com is using its Indianapolis-based Salesforce Marketing Cloud division as the springboard for a nascent business line that company officials believe has the potential to grow rapidly for years to come.
Read MoreWhere Brewer, Hogsett stand on city’s toughest issues
IBJ asked mayoral candidates Joe Hogsett, a Democrat who is leading in contributions and key endorsements, and Chuck Brewer, a Republican small-business owner who has the support of outgoing Mayor Greg Ballard, about their approaches to hot-button topics of particular interest to the business community.
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Novel approach to Alzheimer’s care set for Midwestern rollout
Dr. Malaz Boustani leads a 26-person team at Eskenazi Health that is showing the group's approach to health care can improve the mental health of both dementia patients and their care givers.
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Lawmakers may spoil fantasy sports party
State and federal lawmakers are taking a serious look at the legality of the services of fantasy football goliaths DraftKings and FanDuel—a move that could put the companies out of business in Indiana and other states.
Read MoreBeer wholesaler Monarch unrelenting in quest to enter booze biz
The company, the state's largest beer distributor, has argued in the General Assembly and in the courts for years to try to gain the right to enter liquor wholesaling.

Hamilton County overhauls strategy, targets Chicago visitors
Hamilton County Tourism is in the process of testing a marketing campaign aimed at attracting weekend visitors in the fall months. And it’s targeting only one out-of-state area—Chicago—instead of several.
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Some executives already bracing for next recession
While many CEOs are planning for the next fiscal year, a cohort of local executives is planning for the next fiscal downturn. Group members have their eyes on 2019, forecast by some economists to be the year the next economic contraction arrives.
Read MoreSurvey: More Indiana manufacturers financially ‘challenged’
A new annual survey of Indiana manufacturers found 38 percent of companies rate their overall performance as “healthy,” a drop of about 10 percentage points in a year.
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Rolls-Royce $600M investment took two years to hammer out
Company executives first broached the subject with state officials during a trade mission to the United Kingdom to take in the Farnborough International Airshow.
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Irvington on the upswing with efforts to bolster commercial growth
Grassroots efforts by local residents have meant a boost in the number of restaurants and retailers in the historic Indianapolis neighborhood, which was once considered a suburb.
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EDITORIAL: Governor must back full LGBT rights
Had Pence never pushed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, it’s likely he could have won support for some kind of law like one passed in Utah.
Read MoreMAURER: Larry Reuben gone, but victory endures
Challenging discrimination at the Riviera Club game him pleasure to the end.
Read MoreGUNDERMAN: A surprising key to improving Indy’s health
Access to health care explains only a small part of health status—no more than 15 percent, according to the best evidence.
Read MoreRUSTHOVEN: How Pope Francis lost his way in Cuba
How sad that Pope Francis' frequent bromides on politics and economics are naive, ill-informed and wrong.
Read MoreKIM: New College Scorecard aids investment decision
The college represents the most important investment a student will make, so you want to maximize your expected return by carefully weighing all the factors.
Read MoreBOHANON & STYRING: The super-wealthy 1 percent help lift us all up
When conspicuous consumption ceases to amuse, what do the rich do? They build monuments to themselves. The very rich want to see their names on activities that promote, or at least appear to promote, the well-being of others.
Read MoreCompromise is possible to resolve LGBT issue
If the “Utah compromise” won’t fly in Indiana, I’ll offer a Hoosier compromise.
Read MoreAccuser has baggage but may be telling truth
Just because Katina Powell is an opportunist doesn’t mean Louisville didn’t hire escorts for recruits.
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Herron targets historic armory on White River for new high school
Herron High School hopes to raise enough money to turn an abandoned armory in Indianapolis into a new high school, according to Indiana Landmarks, which is trying to save the property.
Read MorePacers exec Morris to receive Daniels leadership prize
James Morris, vice chairman of Pacers Sports & Entertainment, has been chosen for the biennial prize. As part of the honor, he will recommend a recipient for a $100,000 grant.
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BMO Plaza latest downtown office building to hit market
Owner True North Management Group is accepting offers on the 28-story BMO Plaza at 135 N. Pennsylvania St. The 432,300-square-foot tower is the sixth-largest office building downtown.
Read MoreIndiana’s high court takes up lawmaker email case
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear an appeal involving a lawsuit seeking a lawmaker's emails and other correspondence with utility company officials over solar power legislation he sponsored.
Read MoreGoodwill CIO jumps to Bluelock
Jeffrey S. Ton, who led information technology at Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana Inc. since 2010, has joined Bluelock as vice president of product and service development.
Read MoreSenate Democrats draft bill to add LGBT protections to law
The leader of Indiana's Senate Democrats says his caucus will sponsor a bill next legislative session that would add civil rights protections into Indiana law.
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