Indianapolis Business Journal

SEPTEMBER 19-25, 2016

Interactive Intelligence Group Inc. employees are set to ring up more than $100 million in gains from stock options and restricted stock doled out by the company, thanks to the company buyout from a competitor. Jared Council stacks up this windfall against the enormous local wealth infusion from the sale of ExactTarget Inc. Also in this week’s issue, Hayleigh Colombo explores how competition for students is heating up between area schools. And in A&E Etc., Lou Harry weighs in on Rebar Indy, the swank downtown eatery that took the place of the dog-eared Legal Beagle.

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New hope surfaces for victims of Durham’s Ponzi scheme

An appeals court ruling has cleared the way for Fair Finance Co.'s bankruptcy trustee to revive a lawsuit against one of the company's lenders,a Fortune 500 company with extensive resources. The trustee was able to extract a $35 million settlement from another one of the company's lenders.

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Competition for school kids heats up across Indy

Public schools—including traditional, district-run schools and charters—are employing ever-more sophisticated advertising and marketing campaigns in an effort to meet enrollment targets by the time the official state count day rolls around.

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EDITORIAL: ITT missteps sowed fate

The Obama administration wasn’t picking on for-profit education companies to be obstinate—it had real concerns that the sector’s expensive diplomas too often left students awash in debt while failing to properly prepare them for gainful employment.

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LETTER: Agents list incomplete

The Bonwell Tanner Group with lead agents Randie Bonwell and Karen Tanner were not featured as one of the top teams in IBJ’s 2015 All-Star Agents list but stats would have ranked it No. 16.

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