Secretary of State Morales doles out $308K in spot bonuses
Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales has given a spot bonus to nearly every employee in his office this year—including a family member and his former campaign manager.
Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales has given a spot bonus to nearly every employee in his office this year—including a family member and his former campaign manager.
The legendary local broadcaster shares a wide-angle view of her career, including the most difficult and most rewarding days on the job.
Candy giant Hershey Co.—which has raised its prices by 7% or more in each of the last seven quarters—acknowledged this week that higher prices are taking a toll on demand.
The escalated walkout began Saturday evening at a Spring Hill, Tennessee plant, GM’s largest in North America. Its nearly 4,000 workers join about 14,000 already striking at GM factories in Texas, Michigan and Missouri.
The polarizing nature of Moms for Liberty, which has gained name recognition for its push to pack school boards with its endorsements, has spurred some left-leaning political candidates to capitalize on opposition to the group and stir voters against their conservative opponents.
The pact includes 25% in general wage increases over the next 4 1/2 years for top assembly plant workers, with 11% coming once the deal is ratified.
Former Vice President Mike Pence is the first major candidate to leave a race that has been dominated by his former boss-turned-rival, Donald Trump, and his struggles to underscore just how much Trump has transformed the party.
The taxing district, known as a professional sports development area, or PSDA, would allow for the collection of various taxes to cover a portion of the cost for the 20,000-seat stadium.
Purdue University civil engineering researchers are seeking patents for an “intelligent” architected materials technology that can withstand severe bending, compression, torque and other stresses without permanent deformation or damage.
At Eskenazi and other hospitals around central Indiana, therapy dogs are seen as part of the health care team—furry healing agents who bring smiles to patients, and perhaps even more.
Opinions are mixed on a temporary pop-up park that has closed the southwestern quadrant of Monument Circle to traffic for the past four months.
Westfield city government will have a complete turnover next year. Along with a new mayor, the Hamilton County city will have seven newcomers on the City Council and a new clerk-treasurer.
Former NASA employer Greg McCauley is looking to share his passions at a 78-acre science and space campus planned between East 186th and East 191st streets in Westfield, just east of Grand Park Sports Campus.
Community Health Network said Thursday that operating income fell 38% in the first nine months of the year as higher expenses ate into the bottom line.
The Satanic Temple filed a federal lawsuit last year, claiming that the new abortion ban violates Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Sen. Jean Leising called it the “most miserable task force or interim committee meeting I have ever been a part of.”
About three-quarters of Americans describe the nation’s economy as poor, which is in line with measurements from early last year.
September’s month-to-month price increase exceeds a pace consistent with the Fed’s 2% annual inflation target, and it compounds already higher costs for such necessities as rent, food and gas.
Yourco’s co-founder and CEO, Brodie Meyer, said the company wasn’t necessarily looking to secure outside funding, but it found the right partner and decided that seed capital could help Yourco grow more quickly.
The race for an open seat pits 23-year-old Democratic upstart Nick Roberts against Republican Natalie Goodwin, a 34-year-old mother of three.