Welcome to IBJ's Thought Leadership series. We're talking with experts across all business sectors who want to engage with the Indianapolis business community about industry trends and to share advice and experiences. We are excited to bring their expertise to our readers.

Bill Shelton Chief Marketing Officer Group 1001
Minji Ro Chief Strategy Officer Group 1001

Content sponsored by Group 1001


Group 1001 bringing innovation to financial services

In this Thought Leadership Point of View, Group 1001 executives Bill Shelton and Minji Ro make clear that innovation doesn’t only happen in the lab.
Brandi Davis-Handy President AES Indiana
Brett Merritt President, Engine Business Cummins
Wendy Srnic Head of Biotechnology Corteva

Content sponsored by AES Indiana, Corteva, and Cummins


Bringing technological advancements to life

In this week’s Thought Leadership Roundtable, leaders at AES, Cummins, and Corteva, weigh in on the importance of innovation in their respective industries and offer examples of the innovations they’re bringing to life for the greater good.
Dr. Amie Anderson Dean of the School of Integrated Learning & Development Indiana Wesleyan University
Dr. Sue Ellspermann President Ivy Tech Community College
Dr. Shawn Smith Superintendent Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township

Content sponsored by Indiana Wesleyan University, Ivy Tech Community College, and Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township


Clearing the path to rewarding employment

In this week’s Thought Leadership Roundtable, leaders at Indiana Wesleyan University, Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana, and the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township discuss the programs their schools have implemented to increase access to education and boost workforce readiness.
Dr. Leslie Hosey Head of School St. Richard’s Episcopal School

Content sponsored by St. Richard’s Episcopal School

The Tragedy of the Phone-Based Childhood is an Urgent Call We Must Answer

Students today need help like never before. A growing body of research–most prominently summarized in Jonathan Haidt’s recent book, The Anxious Generation–shows how smartphones and social media negatively affect children’s academic performance, cognitive development, and mental health. The science is compelling. This moment offers a meaningful opportunity for schools and parents to work together to thwart a persistent threat to our kids’ education and well-being.
Brad Moore President and CEO Roche Diagnostics North America

Content sponsored by Roche Diagnostics North America

Addressing laboratory staffing shortages is critical for healthcare’s future

Reaching new heights since the pandemic, the shortage of skilled healthcare workers continues to be a challenge here in the United States and around the world. Nearly every healthcare delivery point has been affected, including diagnostic laboratories that provide insights to help healthcare providers find the right treatments for patients. According to the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine, 70% of the healthcare decisions made throughout a patient’s journey are supported by in-vitro diagnostics—tests that are completed using blood, tissue or urine. Laboratories and the diagnostic results they generate every day—many operating 24/7—make a profound difference in people’s lives.
Steven M. Young, CFP®, CIMA®, CEPA, CM&AA Senior Vice President of Wealth Management UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Financial Services, Inc.

Content sponsored by UBS Financial Services

Business Succession Planning Q&A

Business succession planning is widely recognized as a crucial component of ensuring a company’s longevity. However, many owners still lack formal plans in place.
Amber Chittenden Chief Client Officer and Principal Apex Benefits
Jim Harenberg Chief Operating Officer and Principal Apex Benefits

Content sponsored by Apex Benefits

Employee Benefits

Designing a benefits plan that works

In this week’s Point of View feature, executives from Apex Benefits discuss the critical issues employers should consider when designing benefits plans.
Dr. Penny Callaway Associate Professor of Nursing Indiana Wesleyan University
Mary Beth Oakes CEO and Owner Business Furniture + Co.

Content sponsored by Business Furniture + Co. and Indiana Wesleyan University

Health Care

Pandemic brought changes that are here to stay

In this week’s Thought Leadership Roundtable, experts at Business Furniture + Co. and Indiana Wesleyan University discuss how the pandemic forced lasting changes in health care delivery and facilities. 
Dr. David Dimmett President and CEO Project Lead The Way

Content sponsored by Project Lead The Way

Education & Workforce Development

Help students make the connection between learning and work

In this week’s Thought Leadership Point of View, Project Lead The Way President and CEO Dr. David Dimmett discusses the importance of engaging students by showing them how what they learn in the classroom is relevant to their future careers.