
Potential Alzheimer’s drug further backs protein hypothesis

The results of an experimental drug for Alzheimer’s disease provide the best evidence so far that the memory-robbing condition is caused by an errant protein in the brain. Drugmakers including Eli Lilly have been concentrating their Alzheimer’s research on that area.

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Lilly joins $100M global Alzheimer’s venture fund

Major drugmakers—including Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co.—the British government and a top Alzheimer's research charity are pooling more than $100 million to create a global fund to accelerate efforts to find a treatment or cure.

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Homegrown app eases Alzheimer’s care-giving learning curve

Ashley Bryan is on the cusp of launching a website and smartphone application she hopes will ease the learning curve for millions of care givers. It’s called Life in the Moment and it’s billed as a one-stop source for information and tools for managing Alzheimer’s.

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Alzheimer’s tests present dilemma of knowing the future

While the tests will likely help drug companies like Eli Lilly and Co. evaluate medicines, they’ll also create wrenching personal and ethical dilemmas for patients who will have to live with the knowledge that they’re destined to develop the disease.

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Roche drug trial backs Lilly on Alzheimer’s findings

Results of a Roche clinical trial mirror those produced by an experimental Lilly drug two years ago. Lilly executives say that validates their approach in the multi-billion-dollar race to market the first drug to reverse Alzheimer’s.

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Discovery may be key to Alzheimer’s treatment

Scientists have discovered that a gene-regulating protein that protects the developing brain of a fetus resurfaces in old age and may stave off dementia, a finding that could open a new path in Alzheimer’s research.

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