
Star caterer Jack Bayt on upswing after tumble

Six years after having the area’s largest catering business sold out from under him, Jack Bayt is back, leading a revamped Crystal Catering. But the new iteration is much smaller than in the days when Bayt and his partners wanted to become a regional or even national player.

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Children’s Museum expands footprint

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis plans to begin tearing down a nearby apartment building this month and is starting to explore options for the site that could include an outdoor attraction.

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CIB to provide $5M for natatorium maintenance

The Capital Improvement Board of Managers of Marion County voted Monday to give the Indiana Sports Corp. $500,000 a year for the next 10 years to create a reserve fund for maintenance on the IU Natatorium at IUPUI.

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DINING: State Fair finds

Yes, some of it is deep fried. And it won’t be mistaken for health food. But this year’s new culinary offerings at the Fairgrounds showed surprising range.

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