
Symphony standoff might fray local support

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra’s decision to cancel the first two weeks of its season and lock out musicians could carry long-term risks in alienating subscribers and donors, observers say.

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Review: Indianapolis City Ballet’s ‘Evening with the Stars’

  As has now become the tradition, I’ve woken up the second Sunday of September with a dance hangover. That’s because, last night, Indianapolis City Ballet staged its annual “Evening with the Stars” benefit, bringing a who’s who of top dancers from around the world to the Murat Theatre.  The moments of greatness? Yes, I […]

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Symphony cancels first two weeks of new season

Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra on Saturday canceled the first two weeks of its new season, saying even a temporary extension of musicians’ just-expired contract would intensify the organization’s financial woes.

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Grant takes Conner Prairie to frontier of science education

Conner Prairie Interactive History Park has been awarded a $2.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation, to find ways to encourage history museums to incorporate the often unpopular and intimidating fields of science, technology, engineering and math into their offerings.

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