A&E SEASON PREVIEW: Critically selected highlights
A highly selective, very subjective guide to the most promising arts and entertainment events on the way in the 2012-13 season.
A highly selective, very subjective guide to the most promising arts and entertainment events on the way in the 2012-13 season.
The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra season would shrink from 52 weeks to 36 under management’s proposal to restore financial stability to the performing arts organization.
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday rejected a bill to expand gambling in the state, including a new land-based casino in Chicago, saying the proposal lacked sufficient regulatory oversight. The plan proposed four new riverboat casinos and allowing slot machines at racetracks.
What did you hear, see or otherwise do this weekend?
Let’s skip right over the hit-the-wall improv show and get to the good stuff.
Break out of the Monopoly/Scrabble rut with these new games
Last in a month long series of reviews of colorful restaurants.
In a place where voter participation pales in comparison to other nations, state after U.S. state seems hell-bent on voter suppression.
At the risk of alienating all these incredible women—and the one I’ve been sleeping with the last 39 years—I have to admit something.
Leaders of a church-affiliated Indianapolis arts organization are citing an unsustainable business model as the reason why doors will close at the end of the month. Earth House Collective will host its final events on Aug. 31
Former merchandising director Judy McElfresh claims the museum failed to pay her for working more than 1,000 hours of overtime. Her suit seeks at least $75,000 in damages.
Win tickets, parking, and party for opening night.
Does an established professional company belong in a fringe festival?
Thoughts on “Schoolhouse Wrong, To,” “Don’t Cross the Streams,” and more.
This year’s Indiana State Fair drew 853,941 visitors during a 17-day run that ended Sunday, falling short of its attendance goal by about 20,000 people. The fair had aimed for overall attendance of 875,000, a figure based on the average number of visitors the past five years.
Efforts to reopen a closed Kentucky amusement park have taken a roller coaster ride for three summers, and now there's a new twist as the state seeks out more would-be operators even as a group of local business leaders floats a proposal to revive the attraction.
Downtown was dominated by GenCon and MotoGP. Mass Ave. was taken over by Indy Fringe. Did you embrace or avoid?
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is scheduled to visit Indianapolis this fall to speak before the Economic Club of Indiana.
Those wanting to participate in the settlement must agree to various conditions, some aimed at limiting the state’s exposure to claims from third parties.
The Illinois Lottery is not a model Indiana should follow in seeking a private manager to boost revenue, according to Illinois’ own lottery chief. Hoosier Lottery officials say they’ve taken steps to avoid the problems Illinois had with its privatization contract, but several key elements of the process mirror Illinois’.