BENNER: Respect shouldn’t be a college-football novelty
Just as it’s probably unwise to make too much nice out of a pre-game handshake, it’s also over the top to paint with too broad a brush the unfortunate incident that occurred at Boise State.
Just as it’s probably unwise to make too much nice out of a pre-game handshake, it’s also over the top to paint with too broad a brush the unfortunate incident that occurred at Boise State.
The city of Indianapolis and United Way of Central Indiana will host the eighth annual Community Fair on Monument Circle from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow to commemorate the anniversary of 9/11.
The latest show from Indianapolis native Ryan Murphy launches tonight on Fox.
A state senator wants to know whether Indiana residents think public schools start their fall semesters too early.
The mathematical version of the Scripps National Spelling Bee is coming to Indianapolis in 2010, according to the director
of the organization that hosts the event.
They used to say that downtown Indianapolis rolled up the sidewalks at 6 p.m. No one says
that anymore. Now they say those sidewalks need to be clean. Sidewalk cleanliness is important on a day-to-day
basis for aesthetic reasons, but even more so when Indianapolis wants to put on its best face for major events
like the Final Four, the Indianapolis 500 and the Super Bowl.
“Is Indiana now a football state?” and other questions.
Need your entire team—no matter where they are—to be working together? Here’s a site that will help.
It might make some top 10 movie musicals lists, but it’s unlikely that “Seven Brides for
Seven Brothers” is on anyone’s list of favorite stage musicals. Which is why Beef
& Boards
Dinner Theatre’s current production of the show (running through Oct. 4) is so remarkable.
It’s called Creation Cafe (337 W. 11th St., 955-2389), but a better name for the restaurant at the top of the downtown
canal might be Re-creation Café.
The Carmel Performing Arts Foundation has appointed its first independent board members, Rollin Dick and Rosemary Waters.
In downtown Indianapolis, two local artists will receive free studio space in the Stutz Building
for the next year.
The launch of two new gallery ventures come on the heels of the closing of one of the
city’s most well-established fine contemporary art spaces, Ruschman Gallery.
In hard times like these, why would corporations spend on sculptures? Because sculptures create one-of-a-kind landmarks, and
the art has potential to grow in value.
As part of this year’s A&E Season Preview, we thought we’d introduce you to some of the people behind the people on our
cultural front.
Win tickets to a screening of the upcoming animated adventure.
The Indianapolis arts community is breathing a collective sigh of relief after learning that the city is not expected to reduce
its funding in 2010. The City-County Council will hear public comments tonight on Mayor Greg Ballard’s 2010 budget before
voting on it Sept. 21.
The $100,000 Indianapolis Prize, given every other year for achievement in animal conservation, said novelist and Miami
Herald columnist Carl Hiaasen and actor Harrison Ford will be co-chairs for the September 2010 award.
Even the most hard-core local-restaurant advocates make exceptions when they hit the road. But on a recent drive, I found
an alternative to fast-food pit stops.
By definition, the non-juried IndyFringe festival has a crapshoot quality. My advice to new Fringe-goers is usually to
go to at least three shows and be fully prepared to hate at least one of them.
Even as one of Knight’s most ardent critics during the latter half of his tenure at Indiana, I concur with the majority
of opinions expressed on the subject.