
ProLiance might go on block

Indianapolis-based ProLiance, a natural-gas marketer and supplier, was singed by a $57.2 million pretax loss in the first nine months of 2011, causing some analysts to wonder if majority owner Vectren Corp. will try to sell its 61-percent stake in the company.

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State Republican committee agrees to Durham settlement

The Indiana Republican State Committee has agreed to pay back $87,875 in political contributions it received from indicted financier Tim Durham. In addition, a political group supporting Gov. Mitch Daniels agreed to a $10,000 settlement.

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PROXY CORNER: Biglari Holdings Inc.

Biglari Holdings Inc. is a San Antonio-based holding company that owns Indianapolis-based Steak n Shake, Roanoke, Va.-based Western Sizzlin and invests in a diverse range of businesses.

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CME Group says it’s staying in Illinois

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn on Friday signed tax-break legislation designed to keep the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Sears Holding Co. from fleeing the state. CME had talked to Indianapolis officials about moving to central Indiana.

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