
Fed widely expected to leave key interest rate unchanged

With voters set to choose a new president and Congress in six days, the Federal Reserve will likely keep a low profile when it ends a meeting Wednesday to try to ensure it doesn't become part of the debate at the close of a tumultuous political campaign.

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Victims to collect money soon in Veros case

The court-appointed receiver in an alleged $8.6 million Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Indianapolis-based Veros Partners Inc. is preparing to make his first distribution to affected investors.

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PNC survey finds business owners are optimistic

Small and midsize business owners in Indiana expect the state’s economy will continue to grow at a slow and steady pace, even though they are dissatisfied with the economic plans of both presidential candidates, according to newly released data.

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Smulyan extends his Emmis buyout offer yet again

The additional extension might be a sign Smulyan and the board are at odds over price. In a letter to directors evaluating the deal, Smulyan offered no details, stating, “Our entire team looks forward to further discussions … to complete a mutually acceptable transaction.”

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