Mixed-use development proposed for downtown Zionsville
The project, dubbed “200 West,” would include a 28,500-square-foot, three-story commercial building, with a 5,000-square-foot restaurant, and a total of 65 residential units.
The project, dubbed “200 West,” would include a 28,500-square-foot, three-story commercial building, with a 5,000-square-foot restaurant, and a total of 65 residential units.
The ballots are set for the 2016 primary in Indiana and a few lawmakers will face challengers in their primaries.
Indiana lawmakers are debating ways to give money back to local governments—money that already belongs to cities, towns and counties but the state has been holding in reserves.
While other breweries are pushing into the distribution market, increasing capacity and perfecting specific beers, the owners of Deviate are purposefully staying small and regularly experimenting with new batches.
For years, buildings in what’s known as the town’s “Legacy Core” sat vacant, but that’s slowly starting to change with offices, restaurants and retail shops renovating structures and opening doors for business.
The existing referendums for the school districts are set to expire at the end of 2016 and 2017.
The Grand Rapids, Michigan-based grocery and general merchandise chain has filed plans with the city for a 190,000-square-foot store on the southeast corner of Springmill Road and State Road 32.
The House passed legislation Tuesday that would provide more alcohol permits for Hamilton and Boone counties, while the Senate passed a bill to let the Indianapolis Motor Speedway sell carry-out bottles of commemorative booze.
A brewery bus tour company has already started chauffeuring craft beer enthusiasts from one watering hole to the next, and an adult pedal bike could be introduced in Fishers this summer.
In 2015, attendance hit new highs in several categories and corporate donations shattered 2014 gift amounts with a $7.5 million grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc.
Now town leaders are hoping to make the area a food destination, drawing customers from throughout Hamilton County and out-of-town visitors from Westfield’s Grand Park Sports Campus.
It’s not that businesses don’t exist in the short stretch of Main Street or elsewhere in the growing community, but in the past the Boone County Chamber of Commerce or Zionsville Chamber of Commerce officially welcomed new enterprises.
The decision allows Zionsville to remain merged with Perry Township and keep the position of mayor.
A new financing proposal for a town hall in Zionsville could save the municipality money in the long run, even though the price tag for the building has increased.
A family dispute over the estate of a well-known heart surgeon and developer in Carmel could delay progress on multiple mixed-use real estate projects in Hamilton and Boone counties.
Carmel’s first Korean restaurant is scheduled to open Friday.
Tim Haak left his job in economic development to take on the new full-time position, even though it might not last. Now on his plate: Creekside Corporate Park, traffic reconfiguration and the planned $10 million town hall.
When Ikea announced it would open a store in Fishers in 2017, some local readers already knew what to expect, but up until Saturday I had never stepped foot inside a store.
Sales of existing homes in the nine-county area experienced their most robust performance since before the Great Recession, while prices continued to rise, F.C. Tucker said Wednesday.
Terre Haute-based Thompson Thrift plans to break ground on a new 10,900-square-foot multi-tenant retail building to be anchored with a brunch restaurant this month.