
A rewind of the biggest ‘burb news items of 2015

It was another busy year in the North of 96th region—the population growth hasn’t stopped, new housing developments continue to take root and each community is trying to identify exactly what kinds of new businesses it wants to attract.

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Fishers accepting offers on another downtown parcel

The Fishers Redevelopment Commission is accepting bids on a 0.62-acre parcel at 3 Municipal Drive until Dec. 11. The property sits to the south of the Fishers City Court building and is being used for construction staging.

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Westfield mayor wants to build civic center, increase taxes

In his state of the city speech, Mayor Andy Cook said he has “wild ideas” for a center that could house government offices, a library or a health center. He also says residents may need to pay $10 to $20 per month more in taxes to fund public safety.

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