
Fishers will waive more than $1.6M in fees for Ikea

The economic development agreement between the city and the Swedish home furnishing company requires the city to cover the costs for road, park, bridge, permitting, development and sewer impact fees. The total savings for Ikea is estimated to be $1.66 million.

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Tilly’s Tea Room hopes to relocate in Fishers

The building the tea room is located in at 8745 E. 116th St. in Fishers was recently sold to Indianapolis franchise Square Donuts, but owner Sharon Moore said the business will be open through the beginning of 2016.

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Sneak peek inside the new Launch Fishers

Similar to its current space in the 16,000-square-foot basement of the Hamilton East Public Library, the building will include dedicated desks, private offices, open workspace, a coffee shop and about a dozen conference rooms. It will also feature a bistro with a light commercial kitchen, locker rooms with showers, a small theater, a separate entrance and classrooms for Ball State University, and a suite for Carmel-based coding academy Eleven Fifty.

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