LOU’S VIEWS: This spud’s for you
The guy with the detachable eyes and a rear end built for storage is the subject of an interactive exhibition at The Children’s Museum
The guy with the detachable eyes and a rear end built for storage is the subject of an interactive exhibition at The Children’s Museum
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis set an attendance record in 2011 with 1.27 million visitors, topping the high mark it set the previous year by 9.4 percent.
The city, along with the nearby Children's Museum of Indianapolis, is spearheading redevelopment of the abandoned property where demolition began Monday. Bids to build mixed-income housing will be sought in the coming months.
With 1.8 million people, the Indianapolis area is only one-third the size of Atlanta, yet the area holds its own in conventions and tourism. Indianapolis, for example, has about half the convention space of Atlanta.
It’s impossible for those of us who have raised kids with the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis to imagine what it’s like to enter it, as a child, for the first time.
Conner Prairie and the Children's Museum of Indianapolis each plan to open new permanent exhibits in June at a combined cost of $8.5 million.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is playing the role of lead developer for the abandoned Winona Hospital site.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis received a $1 million grant from the Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation to support expeditions by an Indiana University team to Captain Kidd’s ship in the Dominican Republic.
Indianapolis Symphony, Clowes Hall are among those that have experienced defections.
This week, some top picks from Indianapolis museums’ and attractions’ permanent collections
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis has received a three-year, $700,000 grant from the PNC Foundation to renovate its early childhood exhibit, Playscape. It is the first major gift the foundation has made in Indianapolis.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is about to expand its role in urban redevelopment. It has already invested more than
$1 million in the half-dozen blocks around its campus on North Meridian Street, and now plans to help create a comprehensive
plan for an area that encompasses six nearby neighborhoods.
Tuition will range from $350 to about $1,050 a semester depending on the number of days a child attends.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis launched a new logo and rebranding initiative this summer. And the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art wants to polish its image.
The Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association is spending $1.3 million to promote the city to eight Midwestern markets,
hopes of attracting more travelers.
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is teaming with National Geographic on a permanent exhibit, "National Geographic
Treasures of the Earth," intended to provide immersive learning in archeological excavation.
The museum counted 1.3 million visits last year, an increase of 270,000, or 26 percent,
over 2008.
IBJ Style columnist Gabrielle Poshadlo joins in to discuss the latest Children’s Museum show.
A summer advertising campaign launched by the Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association helped produce more visitors
and dollars for central Indiana, even though the organization spent less this year marketing the region.
A formerly lifeless stretch of wall on the northern edge of Circle Centre mall is now an engaging tribute to three of the
city’s most notable attractions.