Council to vote on spending $14M for roads, bridges, streetlights
The spending is possible due to the state’s decision to raise the gas tax this year and its decision last year to return county option income tax revenue to cities.
The spending is possible due to the state’s decision to raise the gas tax this year and its decision last year to return county option income tax revenue to cities.
Mayor Joe Hogsett’s budget team has been touting the proposed 2018 city budget as the “first balanced budget with sustainable funding sources since 2008.”
The owners of about 1,200 downtown properties soon can expect to receive petitions asking for them to financially support improvements for the city's core, potentially raising $3 million per year.
The proposal, which council members are calling a "living wage," would apply to about 365 full-time, non-union city and county employees.
The Indianapolis mayor says his plan adds police officers, boosts infrastructure spending and raises pay for some city workers while providing the first structurally balanced budget in a decade.
Mayor Joe Hogsett is weighing investing in basics like funding police officers and road construction against the cold reality that Indianapolis has for years been spending more cash than it’s taking in.
Members of the Metropolitan and Economic Development Committee said they felt forced to approve a new measure as the result of a new state law.
The money will come from the roughly $1.2 million in local tax incentives that Carrier and its parent company returned to the city after the announcement some local operations would move to Mexico.
The vote helps move the justice center forward to a design and planning stage.
An Indianapolis City-County Council committee on Tuesday night unanimously approved a resolution to issue $20 million in notes to pay for planning and design costs associated with building the new criminal justice center.
When the ride-connecting companies came to town, Indianapolis had 917 licensed taxi drivers. That number has fallen every year since then, dropping to 632 in 2016.
The city of Indianapolis is hoping to get derelict property owners into shape with new changes to its landlord registry.
An Indianapolis City-County Council panel on Tuesday night postponed a vote on their Democratic leader’s proposal to increase the minimum wage of city and county employees to $13 per hour.
Indianapolis leaders want to encourage businesses to pay livable wages. The City-County Council’s president says that’s a tough sell when the city hasn’t done that for all of its own employees.
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett faces a tough battle in taking on ingrained, multigenerational issues involving homelessness, poverty, education and crime. But in his State of the City address, he vowed to try.
The measure would allow the city to be reimbursed with future bond proceeds for expenses related to the planned community justice campus.
The person hired for the position is expected to help workers from Carrier Corp. and Rexnord Corp. who are about to lose their jobs—along with trying to help revitalize old industrial sites.
The 17-8 vote will put into place an income tax increase that will raise at least $54.4 million annually to fund major improvements to the city’s bus service.
The City-County Council committee vote came after Mayor Joe Hogsett’s top adviser urged members to say yes—the first time the mayor’s office had expressed an opinion publicly about whether the tax increase should pass.
Supporters of a proposal to raise income taxes to expand mass transit in Indianapolis have at least 11 of the 13 votes they need to implement the hike.