
Digital billboards gaining local support

Clear Channel Outdoor, which owns most of the billboards within city limits, has lined up two city-county councilors to sponsor a bill that would loosen a decade-old ban on digital billboards.

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Mahern wants council members to disclose free game tix

The Indianapolis City-County Council is poised to approve a huge increase in ticket taxes on professional sports, and one council member wants to make sure those voting on the hike disclose the freebies they get for Pacers and Colts games.

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Ballard nixes new redistricting plan for Council

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Friday vetoed a City-County Council redistricting plan, likely setting the stage for a lengthy court battle. He wants to stick with the lines drawn by Republicans in late 2011, before newly elected Democrats took control.

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CIB to fight council’s attempt to take $15 million

The Capital Improvement Board’s directors voted Thursday afternoon on three actions that will circumvent the $15 million payment-in-lieu-of-taxes, or PILOT, which the Indianapolis City-County Council included in the CIB’s budget.

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Ballard to nix parts of council budget

Mayor Greg Ballard plans to sign a $1 billion budget plan approved by the Indianapolis City-County Council earlier this month, but only after using his line-item veto powers to kill major portions of it.

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City-County Council passes controversial budget

The Indianapolis City-County Council approved a budget Monday night that relies on a $15 million payment from a tax-exempt entity, likely setting the stage for a legal battle, plus difficult negotiations with Mayor Greg Ballard.

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