Council committee approves BlueIndy franchise agreement
The deal, which still needs to be approved by the full council, would give the city $45,000 per year in franchise fees.
The deal, which still needs to be approved by the full council, would give the city $45,000 per year in franchise fees.
The Hogsett administration’s proposal is to take big-ticket items out of the city’s operating budget to help resolve a persistent budget deficit. Republicans worry about taking on the debt.
The city of Indianapolis has raised income taxes twice in the last nine years to raise money to hire more police but it still has fewer officers.
As the recipient of a $1.1 million city loan, TWG Development has agreed to include public art in its mammoth project on the site of the former Indianapolis Star headquarters.
The office will likely remain in the 25,000-square-foot, privately owned building at 521 W. McCarty St. the next two years while the city explores whether to move the office or have a building constructed.
Mapleton-Fall Creek Development Corp. and Merchants Affordable Housing Corp. are closing in on a complex financing plan for the proposed low-income housing development.
The Indianapolis Housing Agency hopes more landlords will participate in the program.
Advocates and opponents of a Nov. 8 referendum that would let the City-County Council increase taxes to pay for a mass transit plan are gearing up to vie for your vote.
Indianapolis plans to install another 25 streetlights by the end of the year, continuing Mayor Joe Hogsett’s push to light up neighborhoods with higher accident and crime rates.
Mayor Joe Hogsett wants to replace traditional pensions for future employees with a retirement option more like a private-sector 401(k) as a way to help erase the city’s multimillion-dollar deficit.
The city aims to spend $12.7 million less than it did last year in an effort to begin reducing the structural deficit.
Developers that stripped a high-profile parcel on the north side of its trees months ago to prepare the site for a $13 million senior living center did so without receiving proper permitting.
Mayor Joe Hogsett pledged to use federal Hardest Hit Funds, which the city announced with great fanfare in September 2014, to demolish about 336 properties by the end of 2017.
Negotiations with property owners to buy a few parcels of land in the Martindale-Brightwood neighborhood appears to have stalled. City-County Council members this week will discuss exercising eminent domain.
The decision follows a seven-week investigation into an alleged incident involving Democrat Zach Adamson that the accuser said occurred last fall.
Indianapolis officials say the firm failed to adequately complete its job to install a computer-aided dispatch system for police, fire and emergency use.
City Councilors soon will weigh tighter rules for stores and restaurants along I-69 to streamline the "hodgepodge" of development standards and give them greater say over new projects.
Most of the special disbursement has to be spent on transportation funding, but the city can decide what to do with 25 percent of its $53 million distribution.
The 84-year-old building at 56th and Illinois streets is expected to draw plenty of interest from restaurateurs due to its proximity to the neighborhood’s prime commercial corner.
Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard on Monday said he’d rather stay in his current job than run for the 5th Congressional District. The Republican ballot opened up earlier this month, and Brainard told IBJ he was considering it.