
City close to maxing out $7.3M snow-removal budget

The city spent about 70 percent of its annual budget on just the first 10 days of the year. With the Department of Public Works’ Indy Snow Force scheduled to work on the latest snowfall through 11 p.m. Tuesday, the city is nearing its cap.

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Councilor gives panhandling proposal more time

The sponsor of a panhandling ordinance plans to pull it from City-County Council consideration for a second time Tuesday night. Councilor Jeff Miller said he’ll reintroduce it in February with easier-to-understand language.

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Foes of $25M Broad Ripple project go to court

The local group wants a judge to overturn the city’s decision to grant zoning variances for the apartment-and-retail project. In the meantime, developer Browning Investments is moving forward with its plans.

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Ex-Star reporter lands Carmel consulting deal

Carmel reporter Dan McFeely quit the layoff-prone Indianapolis Star in November to become a consultant to Carmel’s Department of Economic Development. Records show the deal could be lucrative for the 15-year Star veteran, with the potential to earn up to $99,000 a year.

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City loses top bond rating from Standard & Poor’s

Indianapolis had its bond rating cut from AAA to AA this week by financial rating service Standard & Poor's after the city dipped into reserve funds to balance its budget. Two other major ratings services retained the top rating.

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Mayor champions plan to relocate justice center

Mayor Greg Ballard and Marion County law enforcement officials on Wednesday morning expect to announce plans for a new criminal justice complex, moving operations currently located in the City-County Building and elsewhere downtown.

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Indianapolis mounting push to privatize parks

IndyParks is looking for private operators interested in opening new attractions on city-owned land, improving existing offerings, and taking over daily operations of parks facilities. New offerings could get rolling in 2014.

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