
IndyGo jettisons big-name designers

An internationally known architectural team chosen to design a proposed IndyGo transit hub is no longer on the project, to no surprise of local architects who insist the transit agency botched the selection process from the start.

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Commission OK’d land bank deals with charities

City development officials were outraged last year to learn that the Indy Land Bank allowed investors to circumvent a public bidding process for real estate by working through a not-for-profit entity. Yet they continued to approve Land Bank transactions with not-for-profits.

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City panel tables approval of new towing contract

The Indianapolis Board of Code Enforcement put off voting on a new citywide towing-management contract Thursday after members said they wanted more information about the bids from San Francisco-based AutoReturn and its local competitors.

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High-profile developer chases Indy debut

Cleveland-based Forest City Enterprises Inc., developer of the 76-story New York by Gehry in New York City, is teaming with Keystone Group in its bid to redevelop a prime piece of downtown real estate where Market Square Arena once stood.

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Mayor suspends land bank after indictments

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard on Wednesday sidelined a city program that sells vacant and tax-delinquent properties, one day after federal prosecutors indicted two of its top officials for allegedly accepting bribes and kickbacks.

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Oesterle sells land to Angie’s List, reaping millions

Angie’s List Inc. CEO Bill Oesterle has collected millions of dollars over the years by renting to the company property for its campus along East Washington Street. Now, the landlord and chief executive is pocketing millions more by selling Angie’s the property, at well above its assessed value.

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