
Indy Parks, county assessor poised for budget cuts

Two ordinances that would reduce the Indianapolis budget by $1.6 million will be introduced to the City-County Council on Monday. The largest cuts will come from the Marion County Assessor’s office, the parks department and mayor’s office.

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Pence readies 1st vetoes as Indiana governor

Pence has expressed concern with a measure shifting power from the Indianapolis City-County Council to Mayor Greg Ballard and with a plan for a $100 million loan to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

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Cops to valets: Park cars, not traffic

Indianapolis police are keeping an eye on downtown valets, whose habit of blocking traffic lanes has prompted complaints. The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department issued a stern reminder to all valet operators on Jan. 31, the week after the opening of The Alexander Hotel in CityWay at Delaware and South streets.

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Site swaps could clear the way for $43M Mass Ave project

City officials are working on a deal that could result in a new headquarters and downtown station for the Indianapolis Fire Department, a fresh user for a vacant former car dealership, and long-awaited groundbreaking on a $43 million apartment and retail redevelopment on Mass Ave.

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