
Political neophyte Ballard cruises to second term

A contentious battle for Indianapolis mayor culminated in a second term for Republican Mayor Greg Ballard, who won the race with 51 percent of the vote. His Democratic challenger, Melina Kennedy, garnered 47 percent.

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City-County councilor, two others indicted in scheme to defraud

A City-County Council member and two associates persuaded an Indiana physician to invest $1.7 million in their foundation and an ethanol-production business they said would fund it, but instead spent the money on personal luxuries, according to a federal indictment filed late Tuesday.

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Grand jury indicts City-County Councilor Paul Bateman

The indictment charges the Democrat and associates used a charitable foundation to obtain money from a doctor that was to be used for investments, but instead went toward vehicles, entertainment and travel for themselves and others.

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City goes after tow-company license

Indianapolis is moving to revoke the license of a prominent local towing company that officials say has violated local ordinances and elicited more than two dozen consumer complaints.

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Proposed Broad Ripple parking garage gets zoning OK

The controversial project is a $15 million, three-story garage that the city of Indianapolis will subsidize with $6.3 million in parking meter revenue. The project also features a retail component, which neighbors say will lead to increased traffic.

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Ballard, Kennedy add more than $1M in campaign funds

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and Democratic challenger Melina Kennedy each raised more than $1 million in the most recent seven-month reporting period and are neck-in-neck in the amount of campaign money they have on hand.

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