State eyes roundabouts for 31 intersections
The Indiana Department of Transportation has ambitious plans to build roundabouts at 31 intersections statewide over the next five years, including a dozen in the metro area.
The Indiana Department of Transportation has ambitious plans to build roundabouts at 31 intersections statewide over the next five years, including a dozen in the metro area.
The administration of Mayor Greg Ballard found its stride in the final year of its first four-year term, at least when it comes to major publicly supported real estate projects.
A contentious battle for Indianapolis mayor culminated in a second term for Republican Mayor Greg Ballard, who won the race with 51 percent of the vote. His Democratic challenger, Melina Kennedy, garnered 47 percent.
A City-County Council member and two associates persuaded an Indiana physician to invest $1.7 million in their foundation and an ethanol-production business they said would fund it, but instead spent the money on personal luxuries, according to a federal indictment filed late Tuesday.
The indictment charges the Democrat and associates used a charitable foundation to obtain money from a doctor that was to be used for investments, but instead went toward vehicles, entertainment and travel for themselves and others.
Indianapolis is moving to revoke the license of a prominent local towing company that officials say has violated local ordinances and elicited more than two dozen consumer complaints.
The Department of Public Works bought Ford Fusion hybrids after the purchase of Toyota’s a few years ago stirred controversy.
The controversial project is a $15 million, three-story garage that the city of Indianapolis will subsidize with $6.3 million in parking meter revenue. The project also features a retail component, which neighbors say will lead to increased traffic.
Why is Ryan Vaughn ending his tenure as City-County Council president with two hot-button proposals? Can he get the votes for a stronger smoking ban? How does he react to a call for his removal?
The Republican president of the City-County Council in Indianapolis says his party plans to introduce an expanded smoking ban that would take effect before the Super Bowl.
Urban design guidelines prohibit new drive-throughs along Meridian or Pennsylvania streets in the downtown vicinity.
Mayor Greg Ballard maintained an appeal as a political outsider and moderate Republican that drew enough Democratic support to secure him a second term Tuesday, experts said.
Democrats won control of the Indianapolis City-County Council on Tuesday, capturing 16 of 29 seats and taking over the city’s legislative body for the first time since 2007.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard won a second term Tuesday, pulling off a solid victory against Democratic challenger Melina Kennedy by claiming more than 51 percent of the vote.
Indiana voters are deciding Tuesday who will lead their cities for the next four years, providing an early barometer of their mood heading into a presidential election year.
The fate of mayoral and City-County Council candidates in Tuesday’s election is likely to come down to turnout in a few key districts, including Center Township and southern Marion County.
The complaint alleges that David J. Williams’ properties have been the subject of more than 400 violations and have generated more than 30 police reports for criminal activity.
The WISH-TV/Franklin College poll shows Ballard favored by 44 percent of voters, while 33 percent favored Kennedy.
About a third of the money that flowed to Indianapolis mayoral candidates Greg Ballard and Melina Kennedy in the most recent fundraising cycle came from donors not eligible to vote in the election.
Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and Democratic challenger Melina Kennedy each raised more than $1 million in the most recent seven-month reporting period and are neck-in-neck in the amount of campaign money they have on hand.