
Change gives Rockport gasification plant better odds

Rep. Matt Ubelhor, R-Bloomfield, successfully pushed an amendment Wednesday that would shield the southern Indiana project from the review sought by the plant's opponents, who contend it could saddle ratepayers with higher bills.

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Indiana Supreme Court asked to review Rockport gas deal

A Court of Appeals ruling upheld the 30-year contract between developers of the $2.6 billion synthetic gas plant and the Indiana Finance Authority. The agency would buy gas at a pre-negotiated rate and resell it to customers at a fixed rate.

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Indiana Senate panel delays Rockport plant hearing

Senate Utilities Committee chairman Sen. Jim Merritt said Thursday he's delayed until next week a hearing on the bill involving Indiana Gasification LLC's planned $2.8 billion plant in the Ohio River city of Rockport.

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Bill could be hurdle for proposed $2.8B synthetic gas plant

Under the legislation, state utility regulators could order Indiana Gasification LLC to make refunds to gas customers every three years if the price of synthetic gas it produces from coal is greater than the market price of natural gas over the period.

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Vectren digs in to fight gas plant

A synthetic natural gas plant proposed downstate need only tweak its contract with would-be gas purchaser Indiana Finance Authority to comply with an October court ruling and to proceed with the project, Indiana Gasification said in a recent filing with the Indiana Court of Appeals. But opponents of the plant, led by Evansville-based gas and electric utility Vectren, immediately objected.

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Wabash Valley Power aggressively shifting to greener alternatives

The Wabash Valley Power Association has been reducing its dependence on energy produced from coal—from 95 percent five years ago to 54 percent today. The utility is leaning more on natural gas and even renewable-energy sources like methane from landfills and animal waste.

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Backers of 30-year gas-purchase deal to press on

The Indiana Finance Authority and Indiana Gasification LLC plan to amend a 30-year contract that obligates the state to buy the company's synthetic natural gas. The move is in reaction to an appeals court ruling that reversed regulators' approval of the deal.

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$14M legal tab touches off new skirmish in Duke case

Citizens Action Coalition, Sierra Club, Save the Valley and Valley Watch are hoping questions over legal fees the utility agreed to pay attorneys for industrial customers scuttle a deal over cost overruns at the $3.3 billion Edwardsport coal gasification plant.

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