
Ball State announces moves to stem tuition costs

Ball State University said Tuesday it will offer $500 scholarships to students on track to graduate within four years and take other steps that could save some students as much as $10,000 over the course of their college careers.

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Purdue, IU students lobby for alcohol amnesty law

Student leaders on three college campuses are urging Indiana lawmakers to enact a law that shields underage drinkers from disciplinary action if they report that someone is intoxicated and at serious health risk.

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IU unveils $15M donor for biz-school expansion

Bigger and better surroundings for undergrads at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business will be named Hodge Hall, in honor of an alumnus James Hodge, who is giving $15 million for the project.

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NCAA approves major scholarship changes at meeting

The NCAA Division I Board of Directors OK’d reforms that give conferences the option of adding more money to scholarships, schools the opportunity to award scholarships for multiple years, impose tougher academic standards on recruits, and change basketball recruiting.

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College athletes push for NCAA reforms, money

More than 300 major college football and men's basketball players are telling the NCAA and college presidents they want a cut of ever-increasing TV sports revenue to fatten scholarships and cover all the costs of getting a degree.

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IU to offer tuition discount for summer classes

Indiana University will cut tuition for undergraduates enrolled in summer classes to make college more affordable and decrease the amount of time needed to earn a degree, President Michael McRobbie said Monday.

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