Nate Feltman: Business community embraces volunteerism
Business leaders recognize today that they and their companies have the ability to positively impact their community through volunteerism efforts. Many see it as a responsibility.
Business leaders recognize today that they and their companies have the ability to positively impact their community through volunteerism efforts. Many see it as a responsibility.
The governor has accomplished a lot by working across the aisle and sometimes bucking Republican orthodoxy.
Google Indy 500 and police escorts and you will find tour promoters selling VIP packages for hundreds of dollars, even thousands, that include police escorts to the track. The city police, who work for all of us, shouldn’t be required to give escorts to a chosen few.
The combination of patriotism, tourism and tradition has no equal on our city’s calendar.
Legal costs stack up as legislature and governor repeatedly drag state into unwinnable court fights.
Your help is needed in the battle against hunger, a problem that observes no boundaries.
There’s no question we are in a political black hole. But if every politician praising the late Sens. Dick Lugar and Birch Bayh this week would pay more than lip service to their example, there would be light at the end of our tunnel.
Civic engagement and good character are important values from which he never strayed.
Sen. Richard Lugar comes face to face with with a grateful constituent who emigrated from Ukraine.
College-educated mentors pitch in to put high-achieving kids on path to college and careers.
You’d think that being made a mockery of on a global scale would convince the Legislature to outlaw this ridiculous practice. But then you’d be underestimating our Legislature.
To atone for my naughty April Fool’s Day behavior, I’ll share some good clean employment tips given in all sincerity from years past.
Indiana is home to an impressive collection of aerospace industry assets.
Our standard of living has sailed upward for decades, but excessive spending will bring us down to earth.
No one from the public got a chance to directly and publicly tell lawmakers whether the newest hate crimes wording makes them feel more welcome and safer in Indiana.
Better teachers produce better-educated kids, and that means we have a better, more-productive workforce here in central Indiana. These dedicated teachers deserve our continued support.
An efficient, modern space is already paying off for IBJ Media and its employees.
A new section—titled “Impact Indiana, the intersection of business and community”—makes its debut in this week’s IBJ and will focus on the role businesses and their leaders play in public-policy advocacy, volunteerism and neighborhood development.
Certain crimes cry out for more severe punishments than juvenile cases allow.
Our way of life, and government, breeds success, contrary to what the elites would have you think.